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Other format: [Raw text]

<informaltable> with <title>


I want to list some information in the following form:

str1      text text
str2      text text

I've tried various tags, but:

* <table> is labelled "Table N. Title" and listed in lot.

* <informaltable> does not have <title>. Wrapping it into <section> does
  not help -- titles are labelled and listed in toc.

* <variablelist> with %may-format-variablelist-as-table% is ok, but two
  consecutive <para>s in a <listitem> get formatted inline, i.e. the
  second <para> does not begin on the new line.

<table> not labelled and not listed in lot OR <informaltable> with
<title> would be ideal (even default title style fits my needs). Seems
that I have to modify the DTD to achieve that, though: I would need
"listed-in-lot" attribute for the first case (I do want other tables
listed in the lot), and title -- in the second.

I use OpenJade 1.3 and DSSSL 1.73 to produce pdf.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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