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Other format: [Raw text]

jade "DOCTYPE" declaration not allowed in instance


make sure that only your master document has the doctype line when you
process the whole document with Jade. Either use the method described
in the PSGML manual (you basically insert intelligent comments into
your subdocuments to tell PSGML where to look for the doctype), or use
a simple script to strip the doctype lines off the subdocuments before
feeding them to jade. Something as simple as "tail -n +2" might do the


Francesc Guasch writes:
 > I have a book separated in chapters.
 > When I make the pdf I get this error from JAde:
 > jade:/dir/file.xml:2:2:E: "DOCTYPE" declaration not allowed in instance
 > If I remove the <!DOCTYPE chapter PU .... > from the xml
 > I don't get this error. But then in this file I can't
 > add entities and I can't use the emacs tools.
 > What can I do ?
 > I was trying to duplicate some parts of the book
 > in an intro chapter using entities. Maybe there is
 > a better way to do it.

Markus Hoenicka

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