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Re: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

problem is likely the TeX setup.  I have only had success
with PassiveTeX using TexLive.  It is theoretically
possible to add the PassiveTeX updates to an existing TeX
installation, but my attempts to do that so far lead to
failures with obscure errors like you have seen.
That's bad. I will probably go back to openjade.

I may be wrong but if you already have a working TeX system then you
need to modify the /etc/texmf/ (on SuSE system YMMV) and then
fmtutill --missing which will generate the missing format files if you
want you can use --all parameter. I have applied this on SuSE 8.0 and I
can use passivetex now

% from TeXLive CD xmltex and pdfxmltex
TEXINPUTS.xmltex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfxmltex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//

% These are from TeX Live CD for xmltex and pdfxmltex
main_memory.xmltex = 1500000
param_size.xmltex = 1500
stack_size.xmltex = 1500
hash_extra.xmltex = 50000
string_vacancies.xmltex = 45000
pool_free.xmltex = 47500
nest_size.xmltex = 500
save_size.xmltex = 10000
pool_size.xmltex = 500000
max_strings.xmltex = 55000

% These are pdfxmltex specific
main_memory.pdfxmltex = 2500000
param_size.pdfxmltex = 1500
stack_size.pdfxmltex = 1500
hash_extra.pdfxmltex = 50000
string_vacancies.pdfxmltex = 45000
pool_free.pdfxmltex = 47500
nest_size.pdfxmltex = 500
save_size.pdfxmltex = 10000
pool_size.pdfxmltex = 500000
max_strings.pdfxmltex = 55000


Togan Muftuoglu

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