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programlisting in title's

DocBook XML 4.1.2
DocBook XSL stylesheets 1.53.0
xsltproc (libxml 20423, libxslt 10019, libexslt 710)

My source document contains lot's of <programlisting>s, which get
a special background colour for HTML output using a CSS file.

<title>s get another background colour using appropriate entries in the
CSS file, this works great too - in general.

Now I have some <title>s which I'd prefer to markup with 
<programlisting>, because they are kind of one- or multi-line source code.

In such cases I get HTML output like:

<div><h5 class="title">;<pre class="programlisting">

This conflicts somehow with the two background colours I have in my
CSS file (for 'h5.title' and '.programlisting') and the output is 
not readable.

- is there a better way to markup my source document?
- is there a better way to solve this in my CSS file?


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