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indexdiv/title not rendering in cleaned-up FO index


I'm using the 1.60.0 XSL stylesheets.  I've been using the
fo/pdf2index script for the first time, following Bob Stayton's
instructions at:

I have generated a standalone index, and I am including it in the
source to the book as an entity.  When I process the XML source for
the final time with the entity in place, Saxon tells me that:

No template for "/book/index/indexdiv/title" (or any of its leaves) exists
in the context named "title" in the "en" localization.
No template for "/book/index/indexdiv/title" (or any of its leaves) exists
in the context named "title" in the "en" localization.

And of course, I get no indexdiv/titles rendered.  psgml confirms the
structure is valid (after hand-pasting the index into the place where
the entity is in the source).  indexdiv/titles are rendered properly
if I get the stylesheets to auto-generate an index.  Is this a problem
someone else has solved, or should I investigate this further?


mailto:paulh at logicsquad dot net
mailto:phoadley at maths dot adelaide dot edu dot au

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