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Re: [docbook-apps] Entities references vs. XRef as a way to manage changing glossary

On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 06:48:31PM -0400, Taro Ikai wrote:
> > The new olink can work for your purposes.  If a target
> > datafile has a matching entry (targetdoc and targetptr)
> > for an olink, and the @href attribute on the entry exists
> > but is empty, then you will get the olink text with no
> > hot link.  You could generate the target datafile for the
> > glossary entries using the DocBook stylesheet, then do
> > an identity transform on it that just changes the href
> > attributes to be blank.
> > 
> > Olinks should survive all of your transformations,
> > since only the DocBook XSL stylesheets know how to
> > resolve them.
> Since the target database for olink's entries are in a separate
> file from the document where the references live, I cannot
> think of how to import both the references and the entries 
> into FrameMaker while retaining their relationships.
> Is this possible?

Probably not, unless you are really good with
programming to the FrameMaker API.  

If you wanted to continue with olinks, you would need
to resolve the olinks before importing them
into FrameMaker.  I wrote a stylesheet that
basically does that.  I'll send it to you in
a separate mail.

> I have a book that includes many chapters via entity references.
> In these chapters, I want to maintain parameterization of text.
> Since everything is imported into a single document at the 
> book level, I should still be able to use <xref> and <link> 
> if I did not care about the hot links appearing in HTML output.
> Is there an easy to way to kill the hot links for <xref>s?

I understand that this might be easier than olinks.
But turning off the generating of <a> for xref
means modifying a copy of the rather long template
in html/xref.xsl with match="xref".  

> Also, does <olink> mechanism work with FO > PDF output route?



Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887

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