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RE: [docbook-apps] Is this valid DocBook ?

| Did you try an validator like xmllint?
| CPH wrote:
| > Hi,
| > 	Is the fragment below valid docbook xml ?
| > <article>
| > <para>how can i help</para>
| > <variablelist>
| > <listitem>
| > <para>Please read this FAQ first</para>
| > </listitem>
| > <listitem>
| > <para>Send an email to the
| >  list with all relevant info including which operation 
| system you use, which 
| > version of that operating system, which version of 
| OpenOffice you use and any 
| > other relevant info.</para>
| > </listitem>
| > </variablelist>
| > </article>
| > 
| > And what is the best way for me to make sure that this is 
| valid docbook ?
| > 
| > Thanks
| > CPH

May be valid,
as parser you can use xerces (
Create a batch or shell script containing the following

set CLASSPATH=%XMLTOOLS%\xerces\xercesImpl.jar;%CLASSPATH%
set CLASSPATH=%XMLTOOLS%\xerces\xml-apis.jar;%CLASSPATH%
set CLASSPATH=%XMLTOOLS%\xerces\xmlParserAPIs.jar;%CLASSPATH%
set CLASSPATH=%XMLTOOLS%\xerces\xercesSamples.jar;%CLASSPATH%
java sax.Counter %1

where XMLTOOLS ist is the environment variable that definnes
the path to your tools. You might place FOP and XALAN here
as well.


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