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Re: [docbook-apps] pdf output

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply.

There are several problems using both FOP and PassiveTeX for PDF formatting of Docbook. Using either tool will result in some odd format errors, depending on what you're formatting. My experience is that if you have simple needs, and relatively short documents, then FOP will suffice. However, if you are prepared to work around some of PassiveTex's formatting issues (by modifying the XSL, the PassiveTeX macros, or the Docbook source) then a much better-looking output file will result. Personally, although I've had to work around a lot of issues with PassiveTeX, I much prefer its output to that of FOP. Over time, that opinion may change as FOP becomes a better product.

Thanks for the tips. I'll give both a go. I was really looking for a more out of the box approach though. Is there somewhere one can find a list of the shortcommings and perhaps workarounds for them?

When formatting tables, it's helpful to know that cell and row spanning don't work so well in PassiveTeX, and neither do relative column widths. Simple tables, however, can be fairly easily accomplished, by not using spans, and by specifying absolute table widths. If you have border issues, then those can be worked around too, with a little trickery. Here is an example of a simple table in one of the PDF documents that my organization produces:

One of the problems I had with the PassiveTex output was that the left and right frame borders were always blank. Is there a work around for that?

Thanks for the example. I'll give it a go.

> It should also be noted that it is possible to avoid the use of tables
for many cases in FO-generated output, as FO provides several other formatting options for cases that would require a table in HTML, so you may want to investigate using FO block-level formatting (of things such as variablelist for example) to see if that would meet your needs in this case.

One of the things I want to do is have a block of text on the left, and an image on the right of the page.


------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Text here | image here | | | | | | | |-------------------------------|----------------|

I tried to do it didn't really work with the PassiveTex PDF output.

Can acheive the same thing without the use of tables?

Thanks for your advice,



Jason Lewis
please note my new email address

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