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Re: [docbook-apps] Including external XSL-FO in docbook document?

Marc Baaden wrote:

I think I need to give more details:
I have the sources of both documents (as written by me).
One is a report in docbook, the other a resume using a
modified xmlresume DTD.

I need to include the resume in the docbook report.
So these are not two docbook documents two combine,
but docbook + another DTD.

As both are using different DTDs, I couldn't think of a
way to generate "one" document from a unified XML source.

The doable way will be to do merge at XSLT level. You can import resume into DocBook using XInclude (but validation then won't work) or by some custom PI.

Then you can create custom XSLT stylesheet which will import both DocBook and XML resume stylesheets. Of course you must modify some templates in order to get proper FO from this merged stylesheet.


  Jirka Kosek  	

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