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RE: [docbook-apps] all files for docbook.dtd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gilles g []
> >> What XML parser does your XMLSpy use?
> apparently it is MSXML 3.0 for XMLSpy version 3.5.
> I don't use XMLSpy to make my XSLT transformations , I use 
> from the comand line. I would like to be able to validate my 
> docbook file
> with XMLSpy (the DTD of docbook is complicated to read).
You can configure XMLSpy to use the same XERCES you use one the commandline.
Probably the DTD problem then goes away and you can validate your file with
XMLSpy. AFAIK, MSXML 3.0 is not the current version of the MS XML parser
(If I recall correctly, it's MSXML 4.0 but I'm not entirely sure).

Gisbert Amm

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