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Re: [docbook-apps] Generate HTML 3.2 for displaying in Java application

Hi Mauritz,

> If you want JavaHelp output, use javahelp.xsl. The generated HTML is
> not restricted to HTML 3.2 elements only, but it looks decent in the
> JavaHelp viewer.

We do not use JavaHelp, but our own JEditorPane derived HTML-3.2 viewer.

I've tried the javahelp.xsl using this ANT target:

	<target name="javahelp">
		<mkdir dir="${dist}/javahelp"/>

		<java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet" fork="yes">
			<arg value="-o"/>
			<arg value="${dist}/javahelp/${}.html"/>
			<arg value="${src}/${}.xml"/>
			<arg value="${stylesheet}/javahelp.xsl"/>

				<path refid="classpath.saxon"/>

		<copy todir="${dist}/javahelp">
			<fileset dir="${stylesheet}" includes="*.css"/>
			<fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.png"/>
			<fileset dir="${stylesheet}/xsl" includes="images/*.png"/>

but it does not use the specified output directory (the html stylesheet does). Instead it creates all files in the current directory.

Tom wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Singer []
Sent: den 15 september 2003 12:03
To: DocBook-Apps
Subject: [docbook-apps] Generate HTML 3.2 for displaying in Java


What XSL stylesheet to use for generating HTML 3.2 output using docbook-xsl? Should I use javahelp.xsl?

If you want JavaHelp output, use javahelp.xsl. The generated HTML is not restricted to HTML 3.2 elements only, but it looks decent in the JavaHelp viewer.


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