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Re: new user

Dear Didier,

I think your problem is that when you run

jade -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/dbtohtml.dsl -t sgml myfile.sgml >myfile.html 2>error

you are using a rather old DSSSL stylsheet for HTML conversion.  This
is an interesting styleshee, and it is useful for some elementary
applications, but I include it for interest, and I do not recommend
that you use it.  If you use the "db2html" and the other provided
programs, you should get better results.

Still, if you do want to use that stylesheet, I recommend that you use
it with a DocBook 3.0 declaration at the top of your file:

    dbr> <!doctype book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">

should maybe be

<!doctype book PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.//EN" []>

Also, you have a definite syntax error in there: you close the '>'
bracket on the first line, but my tutorial example has the square
brackets.  I don't know offhand if that will make a difference, but
choosing a valid DTD for that stylesheet will certainly help.

Let me know if either of these things works (using the newer
stylesheets with db2html or using the old 3.0 DTD), and if not I will
dig deeper and try it myself.

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