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Re: I'm trying to set up docbook-tools...

Sam Roberts escribió:

> them. You can use jade without docbook or norm's style sheets, you can use
> jadetex without using docbook, the db2* scripts are so optional most people
> write their own, and you don't have to use emacs to edit sgml, but it helps.

	We have a little problem with these tools. There aren't a more-or-less
sgml suite made of components (packages) with well made package
dependeces. Then, if you want to use linuxdoc, your package system'll
ask for sp, linuxdoc-dtd and its filters. If you want XML DocBook, the
packages we all know. Add a new package (TEI?) could need to add it's
dtd, the stylesheets and maybe some interface.

	What do you think?


        A.Ismael Olea González
        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta DEF

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