db2html - how to control HTML file breaks

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff@noos.fr
Wed Nov 26 22:13:00 GMT 2003

Le Mercredi 26 Novembre 2003 22:27, Éric Bischoff a écrit :
> Hee hee.. Is that signature automagically generated ?

I'm an idot. The "Eric" who is mentioned is obviously Eric S. Raymond, not me. 
I recognized myself as someone who would like software that doesn't suck ;-).

Niemand ist mehr Sklave, wie der, der sich Frei wähnt, ohne es zu Sein.
Il n'est pas plus esclave que celui qui se croit libre à tort.
None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
  - Goethe

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