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[DSSSL Stylesheets] more nitpicks with the print parameters

I don't understand why %title-font-family% is set to Ariel (a windows
font, btw) and %body-font-family% is set to Times New Roman.  I think
it should be:

  (define %title-font-family% %body-font-family%)

I don't understand why the %body-start-indent% is set either.  IMHO,
it should be:

  (define %body-start-indent% 0pi)

On more strictly aesthetic grounds, I set:

  (define %line-spacing-factor% 1.2)    ; decreased from default 1.3
  (define %para-sep% (* %bf-size% 0.9)) ; increased from (/ %bf-size% 2.0)
  (define %head-before-factor% 0.6)     ; decreased default of 0.75


.....Adam Di<URL:>

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