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DAVENPORT: REF* example?

Does anyone have a public current example (or even an element outline)
of how to organize a set of reference/refentry elements for programmer
documentation of a software library? I want a hierarchy of packages (
modules ( methods/functions ) ) all the way down to function
signatures.  The DTD reference has an example
(RE-1007-UNMANAGECHILDREN-1) of a *single* Xt function
(XtUnmanageChildren); if I were to consider that part of a module
"Xt", and that part of a package "X11", would I just have it be a
reference.refentry, with reference.title=Xt, and then have
book.title=x11, and (several of) book.reference?  Or does it make
sense to push it down another level?

			_Mark_ <>
			The Herd Of Kittens

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