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Re: Choice of environment for working with Docbook?

>   This mail is a request for advice: what software do you use to 
>   author Docbook? 

I'm useing debian gnu/linux potato/frozen/to-be-2.2 with jdk1.2.2
and the latest packages: xalan, xerces, fop
most people will use the emacs editor with it's xml mode,
but i'm a vim user.

that with the usual X11 environment (Xfree86, gnome desktop, netscape ...).

the problems i have so far: i found no command line validator for xml files.
the xsl transition does the validating, but it takes 5 seconds to parse the
xsl file (and parsing the xml file is the second step)...

it's definitiv not a replacement for word (for most word users).


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