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First of all, I'd like to thank you for your awnsers about =

I'm writing a little tutorial, and I'd like to I'd like to know how to =
describe a code step by step. The layout I'd like to obtain could be =
something like :


1. #include "something.h"

Line 1 : We include a very important file .......
On line 2 we .....

3. void func (void) {
4. /* Another code */
5. }

On Line 3 we define a function ....


I would like to numbered my code, and then explain it line by line. I =
tought that it was possible with "procedure". But It is not, because =
each time I'm making a new "para" to write my comments I 've to close =
the "procedure". Then When I'm making a new procedure it start again =
with the number 1.

Does anyone has done something like that, and does anyone can help me by =
telling me how can I do.

Thank you again for your help


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