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Re: More problems with DocBook and Spanish.

Kevin Conder wrote:

>         I tried Camille's new Mandrake JadeTex RPM on my RH system.  While
> it didn't give me any more "babel" errors, it still didn't work properly.
> It messed up section numbers so instead of "3.4.1. Registrando Defectos",
> it gave be "341Registrando Defectos".  I recompiled jadetex from scratch
> and that worked.  Thanks, Camille, for your help.

This is just a bug in one of the dsl files of the docbook style-sheet. I can't
remember now
where is it, but search fot the titles docs and modify the "literal" used


Juan R. Migoya

>         Now I'm getting latex errors.  I am trying to use the "ntilde"
> character.  I get the following error:
> ! LaTeX Error: Command \texttilde unavailable in encoding T1.
>         For the record, I have configured TeX to use the spanish
> hyphenation.  There are two similiar macros that I found: "\tilde" and
> "\textasciitilde".  I couldn't find a "\texttilde" macro though.  Is this
> a bug in jade/jadetex or something I need to configure in tex/latex?
> ======================================================================
> -- Kevin Conder, (my email)
> -- (my homepage)

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