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Re: Looking for a tag analogous to HTML's <code>

/ Brian Lalonde <> was heard to say:
| Is there a tag for marking up source code statements and constructs inline?

There's an odd gap here, probably stemming from the fact that inline code
is often something else (a function, a variable name, etc.).

The grab-bag for this is probably <literal>. What sort of statements do you
want to put inline?

| Another mapping from HTML I have not found is the title attribute.
| I have, in the past, used this extensively to provide additional detail WRT
| links.

This came up recently[1]. Unfortunately, no good proposals for how to
address the problem have followed.

| I am tempted to use xreflabel; would this be abusive?

Definitely. Abusing role is probably a better bet.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <>      | What is more wonderful than the | delight which the mind feels when
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | it *knows*? This delight is not
                                   | for anything beyond the knowing,
                                   | but is in the act of knowing. It
                                   | is the satisfaction of a primary
                                   | instinct.--Mark Rutherford

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