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Re: xsl stylesheets 1.50 chunker error

This problem gets worse with the latest jars shipped with Cocoon-2 and
docbook xsl 1.5.0 ... except that it gives one more tiny bit of debug
information: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds

(Location of error unknown)XSLT Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 500

Using this new configuration, I can no longer compile /any/ formats
for /any/ of my previously valid 4.1.2/docbookx.dtd files.  For
example, compiling to fo/docbook.xsl:

(Location of error unknown)XSLT Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2

When command line is: 

   org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN userguide.xml -XSL
   /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl -OUT
   userguide.htm -HTML -PARAM xalan.extensions 1

file:///usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/common/common.xsl; Line
1385; Column 35; XSLT Error (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): 2

Is there some known incompatibility with cocoon2 and docbook?

>>>>> "G" == Gary Lawrence Murphy <> writes:

    G> If I had more information, I'd include a sample, but as it is,
    G> I'm mystified: I have a DocBook/XML 1.4.2 document which can be
    G> transformed without incident using the html/docbook.xsl or the
    G> fo/docbook.xsl but when run through xalan-2.2.0-dev and
    G> xerces-1.4.4 using html/chunk.xsl it aborts with the very
    G> uninformative error:

    G> (Location of error unknown)XSLT Error
    G> (javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException): 500

    G> 1) is there any way to narrow down this error more precisely
    G> short of a newtonian bi-section search progressively deleting
    G> half the doc?

    G> 2) is there a reference anywhere for the Transformer error
    G> codes?

    G> -- Gary Lawrence Murphy <> TeleDynamics
    G> Communications Inc Business Innovations Through Open Source
    G> Systems: "Computers are useless.  They
    G> can only give you answers."(Pablo Picasso)

Gary Lawrence Murphy <> TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems:
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers."(Pablo Picasso)

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