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Re: usage of SVG 1.0b2 module

/ "Maring, Steve" <> was heard to say:
| I've applied the XSL:FO stylesheet in docbook-xsl-1.51.1
| ( to generate XSL:FO
| from the testsvg.xml file.  However, no SVG shows up in the XSL:FO.  Does
| this have something to do with docbook-xsl-1.51.1 not knowing about SVG?

Uh, yeah, I guess I haven't added that to the FO stylesheets yet. My
bad. File a bug report please. (What tool does the right thing with
SVG embedded in FO?)

| Ideally, I'd like to use OpenOffice to generate SVG diagrams and load them
| into docbook like this:
| <mediaobject>
| 	<imageobject>
| 		<imagedata fileref="testsvg.xml" format="svg"/>
| 	</imageobject>
| </mediaobject>

That should work.

| I'd rather not ugly up my docbook file with SVG point cloud info by inlining
| the SVG data.  As it is, I'm going to have to post process my saved SVGs to
| apply an svg namespace prefix.

If you're doing SVG this way, you don't need the SVG module, you can
use stock DocBook. The SVG module is only necessary if you want to
embed it inline. You also don't need an SVG prefix if you do it this

| Also, is this approach going to break "imageobject" for other usages, like
| loading JPEGs and EPSs?


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <>      | Everything the same; everything | distinct.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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