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Re: what is a qandaset supposed to generate?

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 12:26:04PM -0500,
 Robert P. J. Day <rpjday at mindspring dot com> wrote 
 a message of 13 lines which said:

>   for the first time, i'm incorporating a <qandaset> into a document,
> and when generating the chunked HTML, what i'm getting doesn't match
> what is in the latest TDG online documentation.

It makes sense: this list is about the Docbook
<emphasis>markup</emphasis>, not about the special effects you get
when transforming it into various formats. Your question should be on
the docbook-apps mailing list.

>   what i get is, first, the list of questions (which are links),
> followed by the question and answer pairs.  but this is *not*
> what the online docs say should be produced, which is just the
> Q/A pairs.


<xsl:template match="qandaentry" mode="qandatoc.mode">
  <!-- I do not want the TOC -->

in your stylesheet driver <untested>should</untested> be sufficient.

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