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Re: marking up keycaps according to their semantics


Let me see if I understand you.  You are suggesting that
the DTD be changed

Yes, probably best extended.

so that keycap can have a way of
identifying certain keys that have functions that go
beyond entering a character.

Yep; many keys don't really enter characters (where character is something which very closely is tied to a certain set of glyphs).

You want to capture the
semantic concept of a Ctrl key, so that it can be expressed
by the stylesheets in many ways rather than as a literal
key name, right?

yep :)

So for Emacs doc, a stylesheet would
render it as "C", while another stylesheet would
say "Ctrl". In other languages it could be
translated by the gentext files.

This would be one of the advantages of a more semantic notation, yes.

Generate "ctrl" in the English version, "strg" in the German one, etc.

This would seem to apply to just a few keys, like
Alt, Esc, Shift, and Ctrl at least.  Maybe Enter as well?
Or should it be for all the named keys, including Insert,
Home, etc.?

This would need to be discussed. But I'm sure we could specify a list which makes sense as a starting point, eg:

* enter
* alt (meta)
* shift
* ctrl
* "arrow keys": up, right, down, left
* escape
* backspace
* tab
* space
* delete
* F1-12

perhaps also

* help
* page up / down
* command-key (Mac)

It would need to be discussed what people need: Emacs user, Vim users, etc.

In Vim for example,
  :help key-notation

Were you thinking of an enumerated list of values
for an attribute on keycap?

The syntax may be best figured out by people like you, who are very familiar with the DocBook language.

But I like your suggestion. What name would you suggest?

<keycap function="shift">[shift]</keycap>

where the content of the element is the suggested default ASCII rendering. But also allow for empty elements:

<keycap function="shift"/>

so that

  <keycombo action="simul">
    <keycap function="control">

Pure semantics, no rendering info. The transformer/renderer can then provide a default rendering (eg pics, ASCII), and the customizer can override it.

Or a new element

<input type="shift"/>

... since some people use other means than keyboard to enter input.



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