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gprof and mips


I'm porting gprof to a mips system.
I found a bug and have a request.

the area, profile, is not initialized first.
so I changed as following,

@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
         diag_printf("Can't allocate profile buffer - ignored\n");
+    memset(profile, 0, (num_buckets*2));
     enabled = 1;
     diag_printf("Profile from %p..%p[%p], in %d buckets of size %d\n",
                 start_addr, end_addr, _end, num_buckets, bucket_size);
I changed mips's vectors.S to use SavedRegister as 3rd argument
in ISR function. I  refered powerPC's vectors.S.

lw a1,0(a1) # Data pointer

        move    a0,s2                           # pass interrupt number
+       move    a2,s0                           # s0 is SavedRegister. by ryos

        jalr    t2                              # call ISR via t2
        nop                                     # (delay slot)

Thank you,

Suzuki, Ryouzaburou
ryos at sinby dot com

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