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Re: nc_test_slave.c fix

On 07-Apr-00 Grant Edwards wrote:
> What I would probably do is use a binary search that terminates
> when we've gotten as close as we can, independant of the amount
> of error in the result:

I like it!  This is much closer to the original intent, but the details
somehow got in the way.  I did leave in the +/- 2% check though.

Here's my final code:


// This function is called to calibrate the "background load" which can be
// applied during testing.  It will be called before any commands from the
// host are managed.
static void
calibrate_load(int desired_load)
    long long no_load_idle, load_idle;
    int percent_load;
    int high, low;

    // Set limits
    // Compute the "no load" idle value
    idle_thread_count = 0;
    cyg_semaphore_post(&idle_thread_sem);  // Start idle thread
    cyg_thread_delay(1*100);               // Pause for one second
    cyg_semaphore_wait(&idle_thread_sem);  // Stop idle thread
    no_load_idle = idle_thread_count;
    test_printf("No load = %d\n", (int)idle_thread_count);
    while (true) {
        load_thread_level = (high + low) / 2;
        start_load(desired_load);              // Start up a given load
        idle_thread_count = 0;
        cyg_semaphore_post(&idle_thread_sem);  // Start idle thread
        cyg_thread_delay(1*100);               // Pause for one second
        cyg_semaphore_wait(&idle_thread_sem);  // Stop idle thread
        load_idle = idle_thread_count;
        start_load(0);                         // Shut down background load
        percent_load = 100 - ((load_idle * 100) / no_load_idle);
        test_printf("Load[%d] = %d => %d%%\n", load_thread_level, 
                    (int)idle_thread_count, percent_load);
        if (((high-low) <= 1) || (abs(desired_load-percent_load) <= 2)) break;
        if (percent_load < desired_load) {
            low = load_thread_level;
        } else {            
            high = load_thread_level;

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