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Re: PowerPC HAL questions.

Sergei Organov <> writes:

> Hello,
> While developing FP support for the PowerPC HAL I've got a few questions. Some
> of them are actually suggestions for possible improvements.
> Q.1. All the writing to the MSR in the assembly code are surrounded by the
> 'sync' instructions. AFAIK it's because of bug in some PPC chips. However, the
> 'HAL_RESTORE_INTERRUPTS' don't surround 'mtmsr' instruction by 'sync'
> instructions. Is it a bug?

Probably. Several people have worked on this code, so it is mostly
down to individual style. Since at present the lack of these syncs
does not cause any real problems there is little impetus to change it.

> Q.2. Is it worth to make surrounding of 'mtmsr' instruction by 'sync'
> instructions configurable? I mean providing ability for processor variants to
> change this. It could be more important after addition of "on demand" FPU
> context switch support because it requires additional tweaking of the FP bit
> in MSR.

This might be a good thing to do.

> Q.3. What's the reason to restore only MSR EE bit in context switches as
> opposed to restoring of entire MSR?

Because we only want the interrupt enable state to be
per-thread. There are other things in the MSR that can get changed on
a global basis and which we want to stay unchanged across context

> Q.4. What's the reason to enable interrupts in the
> 'hal_interrupt_stack_call_pending_DSRs' routine? Note that when
> isn't invoked, and interrupts thus stay as-is before call to the
> 'Cyg_Interrupt::call_pending_DSRs_inner'.

Enabing interrupts while running DSRs is the main reason for doing
this. Since some DSR can run for a long time, they would affect
interrupt latency. If we enabled interrupts during DSR processing
while on a thread stack, we have the possibility of taking nested
interrupts, which would either overflow the stack, or require the
stack to be extra large. So, to avoid this we transfer to the
interrupt stack for DSR processing. A useful side-effect of this is
that we can keep the thread stacks small. This is also the reason for
preserving the EE bit across context switches - interrupts are
disabled in threads that already have an interrupt context stacked and
interrupts are not re-enabled until we have trasferred to another
thread that is capable of taking an interrupt.

Since we cannot do any of this if there is no interrupt stack, then
all of this is conditional on
expect anyone to disable this, the advantages of having a separate
interrupt stack are far greater than the alternatives. However, if it
is disabled, then the system will still work, although with reduced
interrupt latency.

> Q.5. The following macro
> 	.macro hal_cpu_int_enable
>         mfmsr   r0
>         ori     r3,r3,0x8000
>         rlwimi  r0,r3,0,16,16
>         sync
>         mtmsr   r0
>         sync
> 	.endm
> could be rewritten as
> 	.macro hal_cpu_int_enable
>         mfmsr   r0
>         ori     r0,0x8000
>         sync
>         mtmsr   r0
>         sync
> 	.endm
> that is 1 instruction less. Is there something wrong about the latter
> implementation?

Not as far as I can see. I would probably have written the second
variant too. This is probably just an example of code being

> Q.6. The common level-0 code of VSRs uses SPRG1-3 to save work registers, then
> the SPRG1-3 are moved back to GPRs and are stored on the stack by the default
> VSRs. Isn't it better to store work registers directly on the stack and use
> SPRGs for some global variables such as address of 'hal_interrupt_handlers',
> address of 'hal_interrupt_data', etc.? It will also allow to save SRR0 and
> SRR1, and then set MSR RI as soon as possible. This could be critical for some
> applications (e.g., MPC509 goes to the check-stop state if another exception
> occurs when RI bit isn't set, processor hangs, and even internal watchdog
> doesn't work. The exception could occur due to spikes on the bus while testing 
> by applying high voltage to the ground of the device).

There are several reasons for the code being as it is. The first is to
make the exception decode code in the exception_vector macro as fast
as possible by not touching memory more than the once to get the VSR
table entry. We cannot assume that the SP is necessarily valid at this
point. Although the default VSRs make this assumption, VSRs for
handling things like TLB miss should not. If we stashed some data on
the stack in this macro, it is very possible that the default VSRs
would have to pop it again to set up their own saved states. We also
want to provide the option of fast interrupt and exception handling to
applications by allowing them to install their own VSRs. We do this by
entering the VSR with the minimum of change to the machine state that
we can achieve.

> Related issue. In the startup code:
>         # set up stack
>         lwi     sp,__interrupt_stack
>         mtspr   SPRG0,sp        # save in sprg0 for later use
> SPRG0 isn't then used in the interrupts: the __interrupt_stack is loaded by
> 'lwi' (that is actually 2 instructions) instead:
>         lwi     r3,__interrupt_stack            # stack top

Just an intended optimization that never got finished.

Nick Garnett
Cygnus Solutions, a Red Hat Company
Cambridge, UK

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