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Re: conversion of cyg_io_handle_t type to filedescriptor of type integer

Thiagarajan Rajasekaran wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the ioctl(int fd, u_long cmd, void *data) defined in
> ecos/packages/net/tcpip/src/lib/ioctl.c for my task. This function needs
> filedescriptor fd as one of the parameters. In ECOS when you open a
> serial device it gives you a handle of type cyg_io_handle_t. Is there a
> way to get the filedescriptor from cyg_io_handle_t or I should write my
> own version of ioctl()?.  Please reply to me asap.

Why do you need to use ioctl() when you can use something more appropriate
like cyg_io_get_config()?

But if you really want to implement it, the way to do it is with the fileio
package, and use open() instead of cyg_io_open() etc. Then fill in the
dev_fo_ioctl function in io/fileio/current/src/devfs.cxx.

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