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Problem in modify ecos for EDB7312

I am trying to modify ecos V1.3 (based on the
edb7212's) for my edb7312. What I have done on
hal_platform_setup.h is as follow:
 #define INIT_MEMORY_CONFIG         \
 /* Initialize memory configuration  ;\
 ldr r1,=MEMCFG1            ;\
 //*** ldr r2,=0x8200A080         ;\
 ldr r2,=0x1f101710 ;\
 str r2,[r1]                 ;\
 ldr r1,=MEMCFG2             ;\
 //*** ldr r2,=0xFEFC0000     ;\
 ldr r2,=0x00001f13     ;\
 str r2,[r1]            ;\
 //*** ldr r1,=DRFPR          ;\
 //*** ldr r2,=0x81 /*DRAM refresh=64KHz */      ;\
 //*** strb r2,[r1] ;\
 ldr r1,=0x80002300 ;\
 ldr r2,=0x00000522 ;\
 str r2,[r1] ;\
 ldr r1,=0x80002340 ;\
 ldr r2,=0x00000240 ;\
 str r2,[r1]

But it still cannot connect with arm-elf-gdb. Who can
tell me why?


Peihong Li

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