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redboot conflicting with ethernet application driver

I've finally got my application to compile with TCP/IP support. I'm using the 
following commands to setup the eCos kernel:

ecosconfig new iq80310
ecosconfig add net
ecosconfig tree

And everything compiles just fine. My applications link happily with it as 

However, I can see that when I download the application to redboot, my 
application crashes. I've traced this to the driver in my application (which 
DOESN'T use any TCP/IP calls). It seems that the kernel as compiled above 
cannot coexist with the driver in Redboot (presumably, they are the same 
exact driver.) I'm using a standard redboot downloaded from redhat's site.

Does anybody know either:

* How to disable the ethernet driver support with redboot under the XScale


* How to make the application ethernet driver coexist with the redboot 
ethernet driver


Either solution is fine with me.  It might be as simple as adding a package, 
or not adding one, but I haven't been able to find any documentation 
describing what is required.

A finger point (not that finger) to where I can find the documentation to 
resolve this problem would also be much appreciated. I'll even write a 
pseudo-driver if needed that will talk to the redboot driver if somebody can 
tell me how.

Thank you,

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