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Re: Thread debugging sans stubs

Grant Edwards wrote:
> I've got a thread that stops running occasionally, and I'm
> trying to figure out why.  Since I'm using a JTAG interface, I
> don't have the thread support provided by GDB stubs.  I can
> print out the thread object, but don't know how to interpret
> it. Is there any documentation that explains how to figure out
> things like the thread's current IP,

Not really. But if saved_context == 0, this must be the current thread so
the registers are on the stack, i.e. up from stack_ptr. You'll have to
unwind the stack by hand, using HAL_THREAD_GET_SAVED_REGISTERS for your
arch to indicate what's required - which for ARM is just a
HAL_SavedRegisters struct.

> and if/why the thread is blocked?

For "if" look at state and compare with what's in thread.hxx. For "why"
look at "queue" and find out what object that queue is associated with.
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