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Re: getting patches organized

>>>>> "Jimmy" == Jimmy Guo <> writes:

Jimmy> - the current reviewer (owner) of the patch
Jimmy> - status change history (who, when, what change)
Jimmy> - automatic email notification of any status update to the original
Jimmy>   submittor

Gnats has these.

Jimmy> - dependency or 'link' sections:
Jimmy>   + dependency on a source code base (snapshot, release, cvs export
Jimmy>     date, etc.)
Jimmy>   + dependency and link to other patches
Jimmy>   + link to a problem report, if applicable???
Jimmy> - the web interface with crossing referencing capability (e.g. for
Jimmy>   patch dependencies, bug report) through URL, for easy traversal.

These aren't done right now.  I'd like to see gnatsweb changed to
recognize URLs in text it is displaying, but I don't know if/when this
will happen.

Jimmy> - a URL to the patch review process / the new patch tracking system
Jimmy>   usage guide to understand what should be expected for a patch at a
Jimmy>   given status.

This could probably be easily done by hacking gnatsweb.


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