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Re: [RFC] Making target layers into a real stack

John S. Kallal wrote:

> My target layers patch was trying to address the immediate problems of
> the lin-lwp.c!  For me the major problem is lin-lwp.c functions making direct
> calls to the child_target functions even when the child_target is not
> currently installed in the target stack.
> You can see the problems in the currently gdb snapshots by loading a
> LinuxThreads program in gdb then set gdb to the remote target.  Most user
> command that follow will then be directed to the child_target functions even
> while though the child_target is inactive.

John, can I ask for more details and/or a specific testcase, 
ie. a way to reproduce the behavior you describe?  I have been
debugging a linux target with the remote protocol with some

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