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[rfc] block.{h,c}

I'd like to move 'struct block' out of symtab.h into a new file
block.h, and creating a new file block.c with block-specific
functions.  Doing so would help lessen compilation dependencies, which
is important for people like me with slow computers: right now
symtab.h is included by around 140 files, while the resulting block.h
would only be included by around 40 or so.  Basically, my code
organization philosophy says that you should only define two different
structures in the same include file if they are very closely linked
(e.g. if code that refers one would almost always refer to the other);
symtab.h doesn't pass that test.  For example, there's no particular
reason why code using 'struct block' would be particluarly like to use
'struct minimal_symbol', or vice-versa.

I don't feel _too_ strongly about this; on the other hand, I can't see
any reason not to make this change other than inertia.  (I guess that,
the more include files there are, the more possibility there is that could get out of sync; that's not a good reason, though,
and maybe the ARI could check for that?)

What I'd propose putting in block.h are:

* The definition of struct block.

* Accessor macros for struct block.

* The definition of struct blockvector.

* Accessor macros for struct blockvector, and block number macros.

* The following function declarations, whose definitions would be
  moved to block.c:

  extern struct symbol *block_function (const struct block *);
  extern int contained_in (const struct block *, const struct block *);

Also, I'll soon want to add the following functions, which would all
be natural candidates for block.{c,h}:

  extern struct using_direct_node *block_using (const struct block *);

  extern struct using_direct_node *block_all_usings (const struct block *block);

  extern void block_set_using (struct block *block,
			     struct using_direct_node *using,
			     struct obstack *obstack);

  extern const char *block_scope (const struct block *block);

  extern void block_set_scope (struct block *block, const char *scope,
			     struct obstack *obstack);

  extern const struct block *block_static_block (const struct block *block);

  struct block_using_iterator
    const struct block *current_block;
    const struct using_direct_node *next_node;

  extern struct
  using_direct *block_using_iterator_first (const struct block *block,
	  				  struct block_using_iterator

  extern struct
  using_direct *block_using_iterator_next (struct block_using_iterator

  extern struct block *allocate_block (struct obstack *obstack);

One could argue that all of these but block_static_block and
allocate_block could perhaps go in cp_support.{h,c} instead.  I'd
rather have them in block.{h,c}, though.  (Though probably
cp_support.{h,c} would be a better place for them than symtab.{h,c}.)

I'll submit a formal RFA if the symtab maintainers are receptive to
the idea.  If I could get feedback on this quickly, I'd appreciate it:
my first namespace patch will modify struct block (and will add many
of the aforementioned functions), so if block.h is going to be
created, I'd much rather have that done before my first namespace

I'll include block.h from my branch after my signature; note, however,
that it has some unrelated differences from the relevant sections of
symtab.h on mainline CVS.  (That's for a future RFC!)  Still, it'll
give you an idea as to what block.h might look like.

David Carlton

/* Block definitions for GDB.
   Copyright 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
   1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GDB.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* All of the name-scope contours of the program
   are represented by `struct block' objects.
   All of these objects are pointed to by the blockvector.

   Each block represents one name scope.
   Each lexical context has its own block.

   The blockvector begins with some special blocks.
   The GLOBAL_BLOCK contains all the symbols defined in this compilation
   whose scope is the entire program linked together.
   The STATIC_BLOCK contains all the symbols whose scope is the
   entire compilation excluding other separate compilations.
   Blocks starting with the FIRST_LOCAL_BLOCK are not special.

   Each block records a range of core addresses for the code that
   is in the scope of the block.  The STATIC_BLOCK and GLOBAL_BLOCK
   give, for the range of code, the entire range of code produced
   by the compilation that the symbol segment belongs to.

   The blocks appear in the blockvector
   in order of increasing starting-address,
   and, within that, in order of decreasing ending-address.

   This implies that within the body of one function
   the blocks appear in the order of a depth-first tree walk.  */

/* Opaque declarations.  */

struct symbol;
struct dictionary;
struct namespace_info;
struct using_direct_node;
struct obstack;

struct block

  /* Addresses in the executable code that are in this block.  */

  CORE_ADDR startaddr;
  CORE_ADDR endaddr;

  /* The symbol that names this block, if the block is the body of a
     function; otherwise, zero.  */

  struct symbol *function;

  /* The `struct block' for the containing block, or 0 if none.

     The superblock of a top-level local block (i.e. a function in the
     case of C) is the STATIC_BLOCK.  The superblock of the

  struct block *superblock;

  /* This is used to store the symbols in the block.  */

  struct dictionary *dict;

  /* Used for language-specific info.  */

      /* Contains information about namespace-related info relevant to
	 this block: using directives and the current namespace
	 scope.  */
      struct namespace_info *namespace;

  /* Version of GCC used to compile the function corresponding
     to this block, or 0 if not compiled with GCC.  When possible,
     GCC should be compatible with the native compiler, or if that
     is not feasible, the differences should be fixed during symbol
     reading.  As of 16 Apr 93, this flag is never used to distinguish
     between gcc2 and the native compiler.

     If there is no function corresponding to this block, this meaning
     of this flag is undefined.  */

  unsigned char gcc_compile_flag;

#define BLOCK_START(bl)		(bl)->startaddr
#define BLOCK_END(bl)		(bl)->endaddr
#define BLOCK_FUNCTION(bl)	(bl)->function
#define BLOCK_SUPERBLOCK(bl)	(bl)->superblock
#define BLOCK_DICT(bl)		(bl)->dict
#define BLOCK_NAMESPACE(bl)	(bl)->language_specific.cplus_specific.namespace
#define BLOCK_GCC_COMPILED(bl)	(bl)->gcc_compile_flag

struct blockvector
  /* Number of blocks in the list.  */
  int nblocks;
  /* The blocks themselves.  */
  struct block *block[1];

#define BLOCKVECTOR_NBLOCKS(blocklist) (blocklist)->nblocks
#define BLOCKVECTOR_BLOCK(blocklist,n) (blocklist)->block[n]

/* Special block numbers */

#define GLOBAL_BLOCK		0
#define	STATIC_BLOCK		1

extern struct symbol *block_function (const struct block *);

extern int contained_in (const struct block *, const struct block *);

/* NOTE: carlton/2002-11-27: I'm a little bit torn about whether many
   of these should go here or in cp-support.h.  I ended up putting
   them here, since they really do use the block structure, but one
   could argue with my decision.  */

extern struct using_direct_node *block_using (const struct block *);

extern struct using_direct_node *block_all_usings (const struct block *block);

extern void block_set_using (struct block *block,
			     struct using_direct_node *using,
			     struct obstack *obstack);

extern const char *block_scope (const struct block *block);

extern void block_set_scope (struct block *block, const char *scope,
			     struct obstack *obstack);

extern const struct block *block_static_block (const struct block *block);

/* In an ideal world, this would be opaque: don't access it directly,
   just use the iterator functions.  */

struct block_using_iterator
  const struct block *current_block;
  const struct using_direct_node *next_node;

/* Initialize ITERATOR to point at the first using directive valid for
   BLOCK, and return that using directive, or NULL if there aren't
   any.  */

extern struct
using_direct *block_using_iterator_first (const struct block *block,
					  struct block_using_iterator

/* Advance ITERATOR, and return the next using directive, or NULL if
   there aren't any more.  Don't call this if you've previously
   received NULL from block_using_iterator_first or
   block_using_iterator_next during this iteration.  */

extern struct
using_direct *block_using_iterator_next (struct block_using_iterator

/* Allocate a dummy block.  See warnings before the source code of
   this function about using it correctly.  */

extern struct block *allocate_block (struct obstack *obstack);

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