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Always remote: [WIP/RFC] MIPS registers overhaul

Another one (and it's a doozie) is that thread debugging won't work
due to the ABI specific library that's dlopen'd by
RDA.  A native GDB (assuming that we did the necessary work to port it
to mips64-linux) would have the same problem.  We've kicked around
some ideas for fixing this problem in the past.  The only idea that
I've found compelling is from Alex Oliva (and perhaps others) who
suggested that it may be best for a "native" gdb to spawn an
ABI-specific rda or gdbserver and connect to it automatically.

TBH, I'd rather like to see us develop an extended and more extensible
remote protocol (on any number of people's TODO lists already!) and do
_all_ native debugging this way.

FYI, one of the long ago identified scalability problems (by HP) with GDB was all the memory moving/sucking that it did. HP were looking for ways to MMAP memory and avoiding doing all the copies. Having GDB suck memory through a straw would be a odds with that.

Note, I'm talking here about megabytes of memory - people try to use the debuger to draw plots of their fortran arrays.


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