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Re: [patch, rfc, 6?] Enable identical frame sanity check

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 02:27:39PM -0400, Andrew Cagney wrote:


This patch enables the `is the prev frame identical to this frame' check in get_prev_frame(). I forgot to enable it when I switched the frame ID code from using the frame's PC to using the frame's function. Noticed this when reviewing Daniel's Arm frame update.

It should probably go straight into the mainline (tested on i386 and d10v).

d10v, AVR, and soon ARM all include this check as a silent stop
condition rather than an error... perhaps that has some significance.

Ulgh! `prior art' :-)

I know it's hit at least on ARM.

It hit the d10v as well, I'd have not otherwize added the test.

I'd have to dumb down the prologue
analyzer if I wanted it not to be, or else figure out where an
inside_entry_func check has gone completely missing in the new frame
code.  Just putting it unwind_this_id didn't work (don't remember why

Sounds like it should be treated like the stack bottom?

The other choice is to treat it as undefined and accept the warning.


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