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Re: [commit] Deprecate remaining STREQ uses

It sounds like you missed the documentation of c-macro-expand, which

    c-macro-expand is an interactive autoloaded Lisp function in `cmacexp'.
    (c-macro-expand START END SUBST)

    Expand C macros in the region, using the C preprocessor.
    Normally display output in temp buffer, but
    prefix arg means replace the region with it.

Note the last sentence: it means that "C-u M-x c-macro-expand RET"
will replace the marked region with the results of the expansion.

I found the documentation (needed it to set the variable that makes it prompt for the command arguments, and set the CPP to run :-) but could make neither head nor tails out of "prefix arg".

PS: Steps will likely be:

- change streq[n] to sane equivalents
- re-indent rougly half of GDB
the output of cpp is messy, I'm going to need to re-indent it, which means I'm going to need to re-indent befor the event
- this to-be-determined step

For reindenting, just mark the region and then type "C-M-\".

It's the spaces between the paren that's the problem. CPP turns:

	#define A(B,C) ((B) + (C))


( ( b ) + ( c ) )

I'm hoping that indent will eat a few of the unnecessary spaces (the paren are a lost cause).


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