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Re: [rfa:amd64] Fetch 32-bit thread area

   Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 20:24:47 -0500
   From: Andrew Cagney <>


   This modifies the amd64 code so that, when 32-bit, it fetches the 32-bit 
   thread area register (I think this has been posted before?).

Why #if 0 ... #else ... #endif?

Anyway, I'm not really happy with the 

   switch (TARGET_ARCHITECTURE->mach)

construction.  The other AMD64 native code uses an

   if (gdbarch_ptr_bit (current_gdbarch) == 32)

to distinguish between 32-bit and 64-bit code.  While this may not be
completely correct (someone might come up with a native AMD64 ABI with
32-bit pointers), I'd rather not use multiple variations of the
32-bit/64-bit check in the code.


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