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Re: [patch/rfc] Generate makefile dependencies

Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 19:35:34 -0500
From: Andrew Cagney <>

The attached, er, hack, modifies so that all the Makefile
dependencies are generated during configure time:

	defs_h = ...
	foo.o: foo.c $(defs_h)

It exploits the fact that GDB's code base is very consistent in its use
of "foo.h" vs <foo.h> -- the former is assumed to be local, the latter
in a system library.

Won't it be better to use "gcc -MM" when we compile with GCC?

It would, except we can't assume GCC :-(. Better to always use the sed script as that way we'll know it always (hopefully :-) works.

It needs comments (and a doco update).


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