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Re: CLI and GDB/MI documentation patch

> Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 21:17:30 -0400
> From: Bob Rossi <>
> I hope this looks correct. Please let me know otherwise. I think it's 
> an improvement over what is there now, and could save others valuable
> research time.

Sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say here, exactly.
Explaining why we did something in the past does not belong in the
manual (except maybe in a footnote, if it is _very_ important to
mention history).

Perhaps I wasn't following the thread closely enough, so I missed
something important.  Can you state what information is missing from
the current text in this section?  You say above that the changes
``could save others valuable research time''--what did you need to
research, and why, and what did you find that wasn't described in the

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