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Re: Xtensa port

Thanks for your comments, Daniel,

It's going to take some time to follow your suggestions and fix the patch.
The stuff I'm working on right now is data-driven (XML) GDB
descriptions of targets. It seems like it would make this port
a whole lot simpler. Unfortunately, while I plan to contribute
it ASAP, that still may be a few months.
Whenever you're done with a new scheme, I'd be happy to switch to it.

Testing has been done on an Xtensa XT2000 evaluation board under JTAG OCD control. GDB used GDB remote protocol to communicate through
TCP/IP sockets with an OCD daemon controlling the board. All the
changes to the DejaGnu testing frame and some generic GDB code
updates are not part of this submission because this testing can not
be reproduced outside Tensilica as of yet.

Does this mean that you need patches to more of GDB to use the code
that you're posting?
Yes. The next update will include GNU/Linux Xtensa support including gdbserver port. The reason why it wasn't submitted now is it wasn't tested yet. As I mentioned, to test this particular submission, I used an Xtensa evaluation board under JTAG OCD control. I believe the changes required for this testing are not useful for GDB community. If you're interested in how do they look like I can send them separately.

I'll take care of the rest of your comments and resend the patch.

-- Maxim

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