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Re: [Patch]: Fix sockethost handling in board config

Daniel Jacobowitz schrieb:

this patch fixes handling of gdbserver parameter in testsuite/lib/gdbserver-support.exp. When using the testsuite remotely there are two parameters possible for remote host configuration:
sockethost and socketport. Currently sockethost is ignored.

Why does it need to be fixed? gdbserver doesn't do anything with the hostname, so there's no need to pass it, and the existing sockethost variable is honored. That's "sockethost", not "gdb,sockethost".

Neither "sockethost" nor "gdb,sockethost" is honored currently.


   # Export the host:port pair.
   set gdbport $debughost$portnum

   # Fire off the debug agent.  This flavour of gdbserver takes as
   # arguments the port information, the name of the executable file to
   # be debugged, and any arguments.
   set gdbserver_command "$gdbserver :$portnum $gdbserver_server_exe

The hostname isnt passed to the gdbserver command.

Why is it gdb,socketport and sockethost?!? I think it makes sense to name the two
variables in the same way. They are a pair that belongs together.

-- Markus Deuling GNU Toolchain for Linux on Cell BE

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