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Re: [mi] -list-features

 > So clearly, 
 > 	["feature1","feature2"]
 > is a valid list and the output I gave is also valid. 

I don't think this syntax is possible using the functions ui_out_field_string,
etc.  but if you tried to implement your proposal we would find out for
sure and wouldn't need to debate it.

 >                                                       What you wrote:
 > 	^done,result=[name="feature1",name="feature2"]
 > is also permitted by the current grammar, but I don't see any possible
 > meaning in the "name=". I believe using variable names inside lists
 > is old usage, and new commands should not do that. In contrast, tuples are
 > in the form:
 > 	{name1=value1,name2=value2,....}
 > and the names are required for tuples. Are you sure you haven't confused tuples
 > and lists?

-stack-list-locals 0


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