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i386.record.floating.point.patch : with more testing and assurity

Hi All,

As suggested by Hui, 
I have come up with more detailed and granular test case for the patch which I had submitted last week.

-> it does basic as well as advanced verification for the patch, details could be found in test_floats.c
-> I have also tried to take coverage using gcov and the number is almost around 80-85% for that patch, which is nice to have.
-> the patch works well with all the scenarios described in test_floats.c

please find the patch and test_float.c attached, as well as part of email body also. 

PS : there os no change in patch, only improvement is it is tested throughly as much as posible.

please provide your review comments.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* the test intends to test following insns.  
flds faddp fstps fstpl fldl fxch fabs fdivrp fmulp fsubrp fucomp fnstsw fsqrt
fchs f2xm1 fyl2x fxtract fprem1 fld fdecstp fld1 fldl2t fldl2e FLDPI FLDLG2 FLDLN2
FLDZ fincstp ffree fptan fpatan fincstp fsincos frndint fscale fsin fcos fcmovb
fcmovbe fcmove fcmovu fcmovnb fcmovnbe fsave frstor fstsw 

float no1,no2,no3,no4,no5,no6,no7;
double x = 100.345, y = 25.7789;
long double ldx = 88888888888888888888.88, ldy = 9999999999999999999.99;
float result,resultd,resultld; 
float *float_memory;

/* initialization of floats */
void init_floats()
  no1 = 10.45;
  no2 = 20.77;
  no3 = 156.89874646;
  no4 = 14.56;
  no5 = 11.11;
  no6 = 66.77;
  no7 = 88.88;
  float_memory = malloc(sizeof(float) * 4);
  *float_memory = 256.256;
  *(float_memory + 1) = 356.356;
  *(float_memory + 2) = 456.456;
  *(float_memory + 3) = 556.556;

/* marks FPU stack as empty */
void empty_fpu_stack()
  asm ("ffree %st(1) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(2) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(3) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(4) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(5) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(6) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(7)");

/* tests floating point arithmatic */
void test_arith_floats()
  result = no1 + no2 + no3 + no4 + no5 + no6 + no7;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = fmodf(no2,no1); 
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  resultd = fmod(x,y); 
  printf("result is %f\n",resultd);
  resultld = fmodl(ldy,ldy); 
  printf("result is %f\n",resultld);

  result = fabsf(no1);        
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no3 / no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no1 * no2 * no3 * no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no1 - no2 - no3 - no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fchs");
  /* test for f2xm1 */  
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("f2xm1");

  asm ("fyl2x");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fxtract");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fprem1");

  /* decrement fpu stack pointer only status register should get affected */
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));   
  asm ("fld1");
  asm ("fldl2t");
  asm ("fldl2e");
  asm ("fldpi");
  asm ("fldlg2");
  asm ("fldln2");
  asm ("fldz");

  /* finishing emptying the stack */
  result = sqrt(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

void test_log_exp_floats()
  result = log10(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = log(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = exp10(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = exp(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

void test_trigo_floats()
  result = sin(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = cos(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = tan(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = atan(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fptan");

  /* changes st1 and popping register stack */
  asm ("fpatan");  

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(float_memory)); 
  asm ("fsincos");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("frndint");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*(float_memory+1)));  
  asm ("fscale");


  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fsin");
  asm ("fcos");

  /* currently we assume condition likely and always record the registers 
  code could be optimized only if the flag is set then record */
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*(float_memory+1)));  
  asm ("fcmovb %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovbe %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmove %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovu %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovnb %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovnbe %st(1), %st");

  /* finished emtyping the stack */

void test_compare_floats()
    ldy = 88888888888888888888.88;
    if (ldx == ldy)
      ldy = 7777777777777777777777777777.777;
      ldy = 666666666666666666666666666.666;

/* test loading and saving of FPU environment */
void test_fpu_env()
  asm ("fsave %0" : "=m"(*float_memory) : );
  asm ("frstor %0" : : "m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fstsw %ax");  

int main()


diff -urN gdb.orig/i386-tdep.c
--- gdb.orig/i386-tdep.c	2009-05-29 17:08:40.000000000 -0400
+++	2009-06-01 20:02:23.000000000 -0400
@@ -543,6 +543,9 @@
 /* The maximum number of saved registers.  This should include all
    registers mentioned above, and %eip.  */
+#define I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS		0xFFFD
+#define I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV		0xFFFE
 struct i386_frame_cache
@@ -2985,6 +2988,54 @@
   return 0;
+/* Record the value of floating point registers which will be changed by the current instruction
+   to "record_arch_list".
+   return -1 if something is wrong. */  
+static int i386_record_floats(struct i386_record_s *ir, uint32_t iregnum)
+  int i;
+  /* Oza : push/pop of fpu stack is going to happen 
+     currently we store st0-st7 registers, but we need not store all registers all the time.
+     using fstatus, we use 11-13 bits which gives us stack top and hence we optimize our storage. */
+  if (I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_ST0_REGNUM;i<=I386_ST7_REGNUM;i++)
+        {
+          if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+            return -1;    
+        }
+    }
+  else if (I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_FCTRL;i<=I386_FOP;i++)
+      {
+        if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+          return -1;    
+      }
+    }
+  else if (I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_ST0_REGNUM;i<=I386_FOP;i++)
+      {
+        if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+          return -1;    
+      }
+    }
+  else if (iregnum >= I386_ST0_REGNUM && iregnum <= I386_FOP)
+    {
+      if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,iregnum))
+        return -1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* param Error */
+      return -1;
+    } 
+  return 0;
 /* Parse the current instruction and record the values of the registers and
    memory that will be changed in current instruction to "record_arch_list".
    Return -1 if something wrong. */
@@ -4035,7 +4086,6 @@
       /* floats */
-      /* It just record the memory change of instrcution. */
     case 0xd8:
     case 0xd9:
     case 0xda:
@@ -4056,39 +4106,49 @@
 	    return -1;
 	  switch (ir.reg)
-	    case 0x00:
-	    case 0x01:
 	    case 0x02:
-	    case 0x03:
+	    case 0x12:
+	    case 0x22:
+	    case 0x32:
+	      /* for FCOM, FICOM nothing to do */
+              break;
+            case 0x03:
+	    case 0x13:
+	    case 0x23:
+	    case 0x33:
+  	      /* FCOMP, FICOMP pop FPU stack, store all */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                return -1;
+              break;
+	    case 0x00:
+       	    case 0x01:
 	    case 0x04:
 	    case 0x05:
 	    case 0x06:
 	    case 0x07:
 	    case 0x10:
-	    case 0x11:
-	    case 0x12:
-	    case 0x13:
+       	    case 0x11:
 	    case 0x14:
 	    case 0x15:
 	    case 0x16:
 	    case 0x17:
 	    case 0x20:
 	    case 0x21:
-	    case 0x22:
-	    case 0x23:
 	    case 0x24:
 	    case 0x25:
 	    case 0x26:
 	    case 0x27:
 	    case 0x30:
 	    case 0x31:
-	    case 0x32:
-	    case 0x33:
 	    case 0x34:
 	    case 0x35:
 	    case 0x36:
 	    case 0x37:
-	      break;
+              ModR/M.reg is an extension of code, always affects st(0) register */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                return -1;
+              break;           	    	    
 	    case 0x08:
 	    case 0x0a:
 	    case 0x0b:
@@ -4096,6 +4156,7 @@
 	    case 0x19:
 	    case 0x1a:
 	    case 0x1b:
+	    case 0x1d: 
 	    case 0x28:
 	    case 0x29:
 	    case 0x2a:
@@ -4103,11 +4164,16 @@
 	    case 0x38:
 	    case 0x39:
 	    case 0x3a:
-	    case 0x3b:
+	    case 0x3b:	   
+	    case 0x3c: 
+	    case 0x3d: 
 	      switch (ir.reg & 7)
 		case 0:
-		  break;
+		  /* FLD, FILD */
+	          if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;    
+                  break;
 		case 1:
 		  switch (ir.reg >> 4)
@@ -4120,6 +4186,7 @@
 			return -1;
 		    case 3:
+		      break;
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 			return -1;
@@ -4130,15 +4197,42 @@
 		  switch (ir.reg >> 4)
 		    case 0:
+		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 4))
+			return -1;
+		      if (3 == (ir.reg & 7))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP m32fp */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
+                      break;
 		    case 1:
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 4))
 			return -1;
+		      if ((3 == (ir.reg & 7)) || (5 == (ir.reg & 7)) || (7 == (ir.reg & 7)))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
 		    case 2:
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 8))
 			return -1;
+		      if (3 == (ir.reg & 7))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP m64fp */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
 		    case 3:
+		      if ((3 <= (ir.reg & 7)) && (6 <= (ir.reg & 7)))
+                        {
+                        /* FISTP, FBLD, FILD, FBSTP */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        }                        
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 			return -1;
@@ -4147,54 +4241,71 @@
-	    case 0x0c:
-	    case 0x0d:
-	    case 0x1d:
-	    case 0x2c:
-	    case 0x3c:
-	    case 0x3d:
-	      break;
-	    case 0x0e:
+   	    case 0x0c:
+	      /* FLDENV */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;  
+              break;
+	    case 0x0d: 
+              /* FLDCW */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_FCTRL))
+	        return -1;  
+              break;
+	    case 0x2c: 
+              /* FRTSTOR */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;  
+	      break; 
+	    case 0x0e: 
 	      if (ir.dflag)
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
-		    return -1;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
+		  return -1;
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
-		    return -1;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
+		  return -1;
-	    case 0x0f:
-	    case 0x2f:
+	    case 0x0f:  
+	    case 0x2f:  
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 		return -1;
-	    case 0x1f:
-	    case 0x3e:
+	    case 0x1f:  
+	    case 0x3e:  
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 10))
 		return -1;
+              /* FSTP, FBSTP */
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+	        return -1;                                  
-	    case 0x2e:
+	    case 0x2e: 
 	      if (ir.dflag)
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
-		    return -1;
-		  addr += 28;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
+		  return -1;
+		addr += 28;
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
-		    return -1;
-		  addr += 14;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
+		  return -1;
+		addr += 14;
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 80))
 		return -1;
+              /* FSAVE */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;   
-	    case 0x3f:
+	    case 0x3f: 
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 8))
 		return -1;
+		/* FISTP */
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+	        return -1;   
 	      ir.addr -= 2;
@@ -4202,9 +4313,180 @@
 	      goto no_support;
-	}
+	}   
+        /* opcode is an extension of modR/M byte */     
+	else
+	{ 
+          switch (opcode)
+            {
+            case 0xd8:
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                return -1;	
+              break;
+            case 0xd9:    
+              if (0x0c == (ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                  if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                    {
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                      return -1;	
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;	
+                    /* if only st(0) is changing, then we have already recorded */
+                    if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                      {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                        return -1;	                      
+                      } 
+                    }  
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                switch(ir.modrm)
+                  {
+                  case 0xe0:
+                  case 0xe1:
+                  case 0xf0:
+                  case 0xf5:
+                  case 0xf8:
+                  case 0xfa:
+                  case 0xfc:
+                  case 0xfe:
+                  case 0xff:
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    break;           
+                  case 0xf1:  
+                  case 0xf2:  
+                  case 0xf3:  
+                  case 0xf4:
+                  case 0xf6:        
+                  case 0xf7:    
+                  case 0xe8:  
+                  case 0xe9:  
+                  case 0xea:  
+                  case 0xeb:
+                  case 0xec:        
+                  case 0xed:    
+                  case 0xee:   
+                  case 0xf9:     
+                  case 0xfb:
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                      return -1;	
+                    break;
+                  case 0xfd: 
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST1_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    break;
+                  } 
+              }
+              break;
+            case 0xda:
+              if (0xe9 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+		if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                  return -1;                    
+                }
+              else if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                  return -1;	                
+                if (((ir.modrm & 0x0f) > 0) && ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7))
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+              break; 
+            case 0xdb:
+              if (0xe3 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+		if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV))
+                  return -1;                    
+                }
+              else if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                  return -1;	                
+                if (((ir.modrm & 0x0f) > 0) && ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7))
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+              break;
+            case 0xdc:
+              if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+               break;
+            case 0xdd:             
+              if (0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4)
+                {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir,I386_FTAG))
+                    return -1;
+                }
+              else if ((0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                { 
+                  if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                    {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                        return -1;	 
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                        return -1;
+                    }
+                }            
+              break;
+            case 0xde:
+              if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0xd9 == ir.modrm))
+                {                   
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;	 
+                }   
+              break;
+            case 0xdf:
+	      if (0xe0 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+                  if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir.regcache, I386_EAX_REGNUM))
+	   	    return -1;
+                }
+              else if ((0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                { 
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;
+                } 
+              break;
+            } 	  
+        }         
       /* string ops */
       /* movsS */
     case 0xa4:
@@ -4623,10 +4905,17 @@
       /* fwait */
       /* XXX */
     case 0x9b:
-      printf_unfiltered (_("Process record doesn't support instruction "
-			   "fwait.\n"));
-      ir.addr -= 1;
-      goto no_support;
+      if (target_read_memory (ir.addr, &tmpu8, 1))
+	{
+	  if (record_debug)
+	    printf_unfiltered (_("Process record: error reading memory at "
+				 "addr 0x%s len = 1.\n"),
+			       paddr_nz (ir.addr));
+	  return -1;
+	}
+      opcode = (uint32_t) tmpu8;
+      ir.addr++;
+      goto reswitch;     
       /* int3 */
diff -urN gdb.orig/i386-tdep.h
--- gdb.orig/i386-tdep.h	2009-05-17 17:56:44.000000000 -0400
+++	2009-05-31 16:33:14.000000000 -0400
@@ -145,7 +145,22 @@
   I386_ES_REGNUM,		/* %es */
   I386_FS_REGNUM,		/* %fs */
   I386_GS_REGNUM,		/* %gs */
-  I386_ST0_REGNUM		/* %st(0) */
+  I386_ST0_REGNUM,		/* %st(0) */
+  I386_ST1_REGNUM,		/* %st(1) */
+  I386_ST2_REGNUM,		/* %st(2) */
+  I386_ST3_REGNUM,		/* %st(3) */
+  I386_ST4_REGNUM,		/* %st(4) */
+  I386_ST5_REGNUM,		/* %st(5) */
+  I386_ST6_REGNUM,		/* %st(6) */
+  I386_ST7_REGNUM,		/* %st(7) */
+  I386_FCTRL,			/* floating point env regs : FCTRL-FOP */	
+  I386_FSTAT,                   
+  I386_FTAG,			
+  I386_FISEG,
+  I386_FIOFF,
+  I386_FOSEG,
+  I386_FOOFF,
+  I386_FOP
 #define I386_NUM_GREGS	16

diff -urN gdb.orig/i386-tdep.c
--- gdb.orig/i386-tdep.c	2009-05-29 17:08:40.000000000 -0400
+++	2009-06-01 20:02:23.000000000 -0400
@@ -543,6 +543,9 @@
 /* The maximum number of saved registers.  This should include all
    registers mentioned above, and %eip.  */
+#define I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS		0xFFFD
+#define I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV		0xFFFE
 struct i386_frame_cache
@@ -2985,6 +2988,54 @@
   return 0;
+/* Record the value of floating point registers which will be changed by the current instruction
+   to "record_arch_list".
+   return -1 if something is wrong. */  
+static int i386_record_floats(struct i386_record_s *ir, uint32_t iregnum)
+  int i;
+  /* Oza : push/pop of fpu stack is going to happen 
+     currently we store st0-st7 registers, but we need not store all registers all the time.
+     using fstatus, we use 11-13 bits which gives us stack top and hence we optimize our storage. */
+  if (I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_ST0_REGNUM;i<=I386_ST7_REGNUM;i++)
+        {
+          if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+            return -1;    
+        }
+    }
+  else if (I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_FCTRL;i<=I386_FOP;i++)
+      {
+        if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+          return -1;    
+      }
+    }
+  else if (I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK == iregnum)
+    {
+      for (i=I386_ST0_REGNUM;i<=I386_FOP;i++)
+      {
+        if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,i))
+          return -1;    
+      }
+    }
+  else if (iregnum >= I386_ST0_REGNUM && iregnum <= I386_FOP)
+    {
+      if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir->regcache,iregnum))
+        return -1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* param Error */
+      return -1;
+    } 
+  return 0;
 /* Parse the current instruction and record the values of the registers and
    memory that will be changed in current instruction to "record_arch_list".
    Return -1 if something wrong. */
@@ -4035,7 +4086,6 @@
       /* floats */
-      /* It just record the memory change of instrcution. */
     case 0xd8:
     case 0xd9:
     case 0xda:
@@ -4056,39 +4106,49 @@
 	    return -1;
 	  switch (ir.reg)
-	    case 0x00:
-	    case 0x01:
 	    case 0x02:
-	    case 0x03:
+	    case 0x12:
+	    case 0x22:
+	    case 0x32:
+	      /* for FCOM, FICOM nothing to do */
+              break;
+            case 0x03:
+	    case 0x13:
+	    case 0x23:
+	    case 0x33:
+  	      /* FCOMP, FICOMP pop FPU stack, store all */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                return -1;
+              break;
+	    case 0x00:
+       	    case 0x01:
 	    case 0x04:
 	    case 0x05:
 	    case 0x06:
 	    case 0x07:
 	    case 0x10:
-	    case 0x11:
-	    case 0x12:
-	    case 0x13:
+       	    case 0x11:
 	    case 0x14:
 	    case 0x15:
 	    case 0x16:
 	    case 0x17:
 	    case 0x20:
 	    case 0x21:
-	    case 0x22:
-	    case 0x23:
 	    case 0x24:
 	    case 0x25:
 	    case 0x26:
 	    case 0x27:
 	    case 0x30:
 	    case 0x31:
-	    case 0x32:
-	    case 0x33:
 	    case 0x34:
 	    case 0x35:
 	    case 0x36:
 	    case 0x37:
-	      break;
+              ModR/M.reg is an extension of code, always affects st(0) register */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                return -1;
+              break;           	    	    
 	    case 0x08:
 	    case 0x0a:
 	    case 0x0b:
@@ -4096,6 +4156,7 @@
 	    case 0x19:
 	    case 0x1a:
 	    case 0x1b:
+	    case 0x1d: 
 	    case 0x28:
 	    case 0x29:
 	    case 0x2a:
@@ -4103,11 +4164,16 @@
 	    case 0x38:
 	    case 0x39:
 	    case 0x3a:
-	    case 0x3b:
+	    case 0x3b:	   
+	    case 0x3c: 
+	    case 0x3d: 
 	      switch (ir.reg & 7)
 		case 0:
-		  break;
+		  /* FLD, FILD */
+	          if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;    
+                  break;
 		case 1:
 		  switch (ir.reg >> 4)
@@ -4120,6 +4186,7 @@
 			return -1;
 		    case 3:
+		      break;
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 			return -1;
@@ -4130,15 +4197,42 @@
 		  switch (ir.reg >> 4)
 		    case 0:
+		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 4))
+			return -1;
+		      if (3 == (ir.reg & 7))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP m32fp */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
+                      break;
 		    case 1:
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 4))
 			return -1;
+		      if ((3 == (ir.reg & 7)) || (5 == (ir.reg & 7)) || (7 == (ir.reg & 7)))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
 		    case 2:
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 8))
 			return -1;
+		      if (3 == (ir.reg & 7))
+                        {
+                        /* FSTP m64fp */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        } 
 		    case 3:
+		      if ((3 <= (ir.reg & 7)) && (6 <= (ir.reg & 7)))
+                        {
+                        /* FISTP, FBLD, FILD, FBSTP */
+		        if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+		          return -1;                        
+                        }                        
 		      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 			return -1;
@@ -4147,54 +4241,71 @@
-	    case 0x0c:
-	    case 0x0d:
-	    case 0x1d:
-	    case 0x2c:
-	    case 0x3c:
-	    case 0x3d:
-	      break;
-	    case 0x0e:
+   	    case 0x0c:
+	      /* FLDENV */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;  
+              break;
+	    case 0x0d: 
+              /* FLDCW */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_FCTRL))
+	        return -1;  
+              break;
+	    case 0x2c: 
+              /* FRTSTOR */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;  
+	      break; 
+	    case 0x0e: 
 	      if (ir.dflag)
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
-		    return -1;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
+		  return -1;
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
-		    return -1;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
+		  return -1;
-	    case 0x0f:
-	    case 0x2f:
+	    case 0x0f:  
+	    case 0x2f:  
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 2))
 		return -1;
-	    case 0x1f:
-	    case 0x3e:
+	    case 0x1f:  
+	    case 0x3e:  
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 10))
 		return -1;
+              /* FSTP, FBSTP */
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+	        return -1;                                  
-	    case 0x2e:
+	    case 0x2e: 
 	      if (ir.dflag)
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
-		    return -1;
-		  addr += 28;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 28))
+		  return -1;
+		addr += 28;
-		  if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
-		    return -1;
-		  addr += 14;
+		if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 14))
+		  return -1;
+		addr += 14;
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 80))
 		return -1;
+              /* FSAVE */
+	      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV_REG_STACK))
+	        return -1;   
-	    case 0x3f:
+	    case 0x3f: 
 	      if (record_arch_list_add_mem (addr, 8))
 		return -1;
+		/* FISTP */
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+	        return -1;   
 	      ir.addr -= 2;
@@ -4202,9 +4313,180 @@
 	      goto no_support;
-	}
+	}   
+        /* opcode is an extension of modR/M byte */     
+	else
+	{ 
+          switch (opcode)
+            {
+            case 0xd8:
+              if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                return -1;	
+              break;
+            case 0xd9:    
+              if (0x0c == (ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                  if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                    {
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                      return -1;	
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;	
+                    /* if only st(0) is changing, then we have already recorded */
+                    if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                      {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                        return -1;	                      
+                      } 
+                    }  
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                switch(ir.modrm)
+                  {
+                  case 0xe0:
+                  case 0xe1:
+                  case 0xf0:
+                  case 0xf5:
+                  case 0xf8:
+                  case 0xfa:
+                  case 0xfc:
+                  case 0xfe:
+                  case 0xff:
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    break;           
+                  case 0xf1:  
+                  case 0xf2:  
+                  case 0xf3:  
+                  case 0xf4:
+                  case 0xf6:        
+                  case 0xf7:    
+                  case 0xe8:  
+                  case 0xe9:  
+                  case 0xea:  
+                  case 0xeb:
+                  case 0xec:        
+                  case 0xed:    
+                  case 0xee:   
+                  case 0xf9:     
+                  case 0xfb:
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                      return -1;	
+                    break;
+                  case 0xfd: 
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST1_REGNUM))
+                      return -1;
+                    break;
+                  } 
+              }
+              break;
+            case 0xda:
+              if (0xe9 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+		if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                  return -1;                    
+                }
+              else if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                  return -1;	                
+                if (((ir.modrm & 0x0f) > 0) && ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7))
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+              break; 
+            case 0xdb:
+              if (0xe3 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+		if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_ENV))
+                  return -1;                    
+                }
+              else if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM))
+                  return -1;	                
+                if (((ir.modrm & 0x0f) > 0) && ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7))
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+              break;
+            case 0xdc:
+              if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                {
+                if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                  {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                    return -1;	                      
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+		  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) - 0x08)))
+                    return -1;
+                  }
+                }  
+               break;
+            case 0xdd:             
+              if (0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4)
+                {
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir,I386_FTAG))
+                    return -1;
+                }
+              else if ((0x0d == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                { 
+                  if ((ir.modrm & 0x0f) <= 7)
+                    {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_ST0_REGNUM + (ir.modrm & 0x0f)))
+                        return -1;	 
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                        return -1;
+                    }
+                }            
+              break;
+            case 0xde:
+              if ((0x0c == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0xd9 == ir.modrm))
+                {                   
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;	 
+                }   
+              break;
+            case 0xdf:
+	      if (0xe0 == ir.modrm)
+                {
+                  if (record_arch_list_add_reg (ir.regcache, I386_EAX_REGNUM))
+	   	    return -1;
+                }
+              else if ((0x0f == ir.modrm >> 4) || (0x0e == ir.modrm >> 4))
+                { 
+                  if (i386_record_floats(&ir, I386_SAVE_FPU_REGS))
+                    return -1;
+                } 
+              break;
+            } 	  
+        }         
       /* string ops */
       /* movsS */
     case 0xa4:
@@ -4623,10 +4905,17 @@
       /* fwait */
       /* XXX */
     case 0x9b:
-      printf_unfiltered (_("Process record doesn't support instruction "
-			   "fwait.\n"));
-      ir.addr -= 1;
-      goto no_support;
+      if (target_read_memory (ir.addr, &tmpu8, 1))
+	{
+	  if (record_debug)
+	    printf_unfiltered (_("Process record: error reading memory at "
+				 "addr 0x%s len = 1.\n"),
+			       paddr_nz (ir.addr));
+	  return -1;
+	}
+      opcode = (uint32_t) tmpu8;
+      ir.addr++;
+      goto reswitch;     
       /* int3 */
diff -urN gdb.orig/i386-tdep.h
--- gdb.orig/i386-tdep.h	2009-05-17 17:56:44.000000000 -0400
+++	2009-05-31 16:33:14.000000000 -0400
@@ -145,7 +145,22 @@
   I386_ES_REGNUM,		/* %es */
   I386_FS_REGNUM,		/* %fs */
   I386_GS_REGNUM,		/* %gs */
-  I386_ST0_REGNUM		/* %st(0) */
+  I386_ST0_REGNUM,		/* %st(0) */
+  I386_ST1_REGNUM,		/* %st(1) */
+  I386_ST2_REGNUM,		/* %st(2) */
+  I386_ST3_REGNUM,		/* %st(3) */
+  I386_ST4_REGNUM,		/* %st(4) */
+  I386_ST5_REGNUM,		/* %st(5) */
+  I386_ST6_REGNUM,		/* %st(6) */
+  I386_ST7_REGNUM,		/* %st(7) */
+  I386_FCTRL,			/* floating point env regs : FCTRL-FOP */	
+  I386_FSTAT,                   
+  I386_FTAG,			
+  I386_FISEG,
+  I386_FIOFF,
+  I386_FOSEG,
+  I386_FOOFF,
+  I386_FOP
 #define I386_NUM_GREGS	16
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* the test intends to test following insns.  
flds faddp fstps fstpl fldl fxch fabs fdivrp fmulp fsubrp fucomp fnstsw fsqrt
fchs f2xm1 fyl2x fxtract fprem1 fld fdecstp fld1 fldl2t fldl2e FLDPI FLDLG2 FLDLN2
FLDZ fincstp ffree fptan fpatan fincstp fsincos frndint fscale fsin fcos fcmovb
fcmovbe fcmove fcmovu fcmovnb fcmovnbe fsave frstor fstsw 

float no1,no2,no3,no4,no5,no6,no7;
double x = 100.345, y = 25.7789;
long double ldx = 88888888888888888888.88, ldy = 9999999999999999999.99;
float result,resultd,resultld; 
float *float_memory;

/* initialization of floats */
void init_floats()
  no1 = 10.45;
  no2 = 20.77;
  no3 = 156.89874646;
  no4 = 14.56;
  no5 = 11.11;
  no6 = 66.77;
  no7 = 88.88;
  float_memory = malloc(sizeof(float) * 4);
  *float_memory = 256.256;
  *(float_memory + 1) = 356.356;
  *(float_memory + 2) = 456.456;
  *(float_memory + 3) = 556.556;

/* marks FPU stack as empty */
void empty_fpu_stack()
  asm ("ffree %st(1) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(2) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(3) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(4) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(5) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(6) \n\t"
       "ffree %st(7)");

/* tests floating point arithmatic */
void test_arith_floats()
  result = no1 + no2 + no3 + no4 + no5 + no6 + no7;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = fmodf(no2,no1); 
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  resultd = fmod(x,y); 
  printf("result is %f\n",resultd);
  resultld = fmodl(ldy,ldy); 
  printf("result is %f\n",resultld);

  result = fabsf(no1);        
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no3 / no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no1 * no2 * no3 * no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = no1 - no2 - no3 - no4;
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fchs");
  /* test for f2xm1 */  
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("f2xm1");

  asm ("fyl2x");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fxtract");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fprem1");

  /* decrement fpu stack pointer only status register should get affected */
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));   
  asm ("fld1");
  asm ("fldl2t");
  asm ("fldl2e");
  asm ("fldpi");
  asm ("fldlg2");
  asm ("fldln2");
  asm ("fldz");

  /* finishing emptying the stack */
  result = sqrt(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

void test_log_exp_floats()
  result = log10(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = log(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = exp10(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = exp(no3);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

void test_trigo_floats()
  result = sin(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = cos(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = tan(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  result = atan(30);
  printf("result is %f\n",result);

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fptan");

  /* changes st1 and popping register stack */
  asm ("fpatan");  

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(float_memory)); 
  asm ("fsincos");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("frndint");

  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*(float_memory+1)));  
  asm ("fscale");


  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory)); 
  asm ("fsin");
  asm ("fcos");

  /* currently we assume condition likely and always record the registers 
  code could be optimized only if the flag is set then record */
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fld %0" : :"m"(*(float_memory+1)));  
  asm ("fcmovb %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovbe %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmove %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovu %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovnb %st(1), %st");
  asm ("fcmovnbe %st(1), %st");

  /* finished emtyping the stack */

void test_compare_floats()
    ldy = 88888888888888888888.88;
    if (ldx == ldy)
      ldy = 7777777777777777777777777777.777;
      ldy = 666666666666666666666666666.666;

/* test loading and saving of FPU environment */
void test_fpu_env()
  asm ("fsave %0" : "=m"(*float_memory) : );
  asm ("frstor %0" : : "m"(*float_memory));
  asm ("fstsw %ax");  

int main()

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