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Re: disable objective-c stuff when theres no objective-c cu.

On Wed, 06 Oct 2010 04:30:33 +0200, Matt Rice wrote:
> that we can lessen the impact by checking for is_objc_method, or for
> objective-c compilation units. (is_objc_method doesn't neccesarily
> affect future lookups should it call set_language_has_cu_loaded?)

Wouldn't be enough to replace the bitmask just by?
	if (current_language->la_language == language_objc)

> here is when gcc started to emit DW_LANG_ObjC, maybe we could fall
> back to source files with the .m extension.

For current_language it works even without DW_LANG_ObjC due to:
	init_filename_language_table (void)
	      add_filename_language (".m", language_objc);

> -PASS: gdb.cp/psmang.exp: break s::method2
> +FAIL: gdb.cp/psmang.exp: break s::method2 (got interactive prompt)

There is also a regression for:

> -FAIL: gdb.threads/attachstop-mt.exp: attach1, post-gdb sanity check of the sleeping state - Red Hat BZ 197584
> +PASS: gdb.threads/attachstop-mt.exp: attach1, post-gdb sanity check of the sleeping state - Red Hat BZ 197584

This one is racy, I should fix it.


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