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Re: [patch] make info regression on --with-system-readline

On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:37:42 +0100, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> So if we decide to remove it from the tarball, the problem will go
> away?  I was under the impression you were saying that removing it
> would create some other problem, and I was asking about that.  But if
> not, removing GDBvn.texi sounds like TRT.

It will not work (with current GDB sources) if you do:

./configure; make; make -C gdb/doc
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --with-system-readline; make; make -C gdb/doc

But building out of the src tree probably requires the src tree to be
distclean, doesn't it?  So the case above should not be valid and just
removing GDBvn.texi from .tar.bz2 should be enough.


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