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New ARI warning Fri Jul 22 01:54:19 UTC 2011

> gdb/common/buffer.c:51: regression: abort: Do not use abort, instead use internal_error; GDB should never abort
gdb/common/buffer.c:51:    abort ();
> gdb/common/buffer.c:111: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/buffer.c:111:	      sprintf (str, ', va_arg (ap, int));
> gdb/common/buffer.c:114: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/buffer.c:114:	      sprintf (str, ', va_arg (ap, unsigned int));
> gdb/common/buffer.c:117: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/buffer.c:117:	      sprintf (str, ', va_arg (ap, unsigned int));
> gdb/common/buffer.c:120: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/buffer.c:120:	      sprintf (str, ', va_arg (ap, unsigned int));
> gdb/common/common-utils.c:131: regression: vasprintf: Do not use vasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:131:  int status = vasprintf (&ret, format, ap);
> gdb/common/common-utils.c:143: regression: xasprintf: Do not use xasprintf(), instead use xstrprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:143:xasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, ...)
> gdb/common/common-utils.c:153: regression: xvasprintf: Do not use xvasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:153:xvasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, va_list ap)
> gdb/common/common-utils.h:50: regression: xasprintf: Do not use xasprintf(), instead use xstrprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.h:50:void xasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, ...)
> gdb/common/common-utils.h:52: regression: xvasprintf: Do not use xvasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.h:52:void xvasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, va_list ap)
> gdb/common/gdb_assert.h:41: regression: __func__: Do not use __func__, ISO C 90 does not support this macro
gdb/common/gdb_assert.h:41:#define ASSERT_FUNCTION		__func__
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:1: comment: GNU/Linux: Do not use 'Linux', instead use 'Linux kernel' or 'GNU/Linux system'; comments should clearly differentiate between the two (this test assumes that word 'Linux' appears on the same line as the word 'GNU' or 'kernel' or a kernel version
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:1:/* Linux-specific functions to retrieve OS data.
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:29: regression: stat.h: Do not include stat.h or sys/stat.h, instead include gdb_stat.h
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:29:#include <sys/stat.h>
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:30: regression: dirent.h: Do not include dirent.h, instead include gdb_dirent.h
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:30:#include <dirent.h>
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:62: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:62:  sprintf (filename, ',
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:219: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:219:  sprintf (procentry, ', pid);
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:260: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:260:  sprintf (taskdir, ', pid);
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:346: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:346:		    sprintf (core_str, ', i);
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:431: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/common/linux-osdata.c:431:	      sprintf (procentry, ', dp->d_name);
> gdb/common/linux-osdata.h:1: comment: GNU/Linux: Do not use 'Linux', instead use 'Linux kernel' or 'GNU/Linux system'; comments should clearly differentiate between the two (this test assumes that word 'Linux' appears on the same line as the word 'GNU' or 'kernel' or a kernel version
gdb/common/linux-osdata.h:1:/* Linux-specific functions to retrieve OS data.
< gdb/linux-nat.c:5194: code: sprintf: Do not use sprintf, instead use xsnprintf or xstrprintf
gdb/linux-nat.c:5194:	      sprintf (procentry, ', dp->d_name);
< gdb/linux-nat.c:5206: code: if assignment: An IF statement's expression contains an assignment (the GNU coding standard discourages this)
gdb/linux-nat.c:5206:		  if ((f = fopen (pathname, ')) != NULL)
> gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing xasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0
> gdb/defs.h:0: internal: gdb/defs.h missing xvasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xvasprintf in file gdb/defs.h, only found 0
> gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing vasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug vasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0
> gdb/defs.h:0: internal: gdb/defs.h missing xasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xasprintf in file gdb/defs.h, only found 0
> gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing xvasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xvasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0

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