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Re: [PATCH 4/6] command 'set debug notification'.

>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Brobecker <> writes:

Joel> FWIW: I used to prefer boolean, because you can just "set debug blah",
Joel> and it'll enable the debug traces. But some modules have so many
Joel> things to trace about that several levels of verbosity are required.
Joel> In that case, zuinteger becomes necessary.

Yeah, me too.

Joel> Should the needs change over time, I don't think it would be a big deal
Joel> to change the type of the setting from one type (boolean) to another
Joel> (zuinteger), since this is a debug setting.  But, technically, that's
Joel> still a non-upward-compatible change - unless we add some extra glue,
Joel> I suppose.

I think we should let ourselves change debug and maint settings without
worrying about compatibility.

But if we're really desperate we can add a "boolean zuinteger" type
where "on" means "1".


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