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New ARI warning Thu Dec 20 15:25:46 UTC 2012 in -D 2012-12-20-gmt -r gdb_7_5-branch

< gdb/arm-tdep.c:310: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/arm-tdep.c:310:static inline int
< gdb/arm-tdep.c:2161: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/arm-tdep.c:2161:static inline int
< gdb/auto-load.c:1086: regression: var_boolean: Replace var_boolean with add_setshow_boolean_cmd
gdb/auto-load.c:1086:    if (list->var_type == var_boolean)
< gdb/common/common-utils.c:129: regression: vasprintf: Do not use vasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:129:  int status = vasprintf (&ret, format, ap);
< gdb/common/common-utils.c:141: regression: xasprintf: Do not use xasprintf(), instead use xstrprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:141:xasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, ...)
< gdb/common/common-utils.c:151: regression: xvasprintf: Do not use xvasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.c:151:xvasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, va_list ap)
< gdb/common/common-utils.h:48: regression: xasprintf: Do not use xasprintf(), instead use xstrprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.h:48:void xasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, ...)
< gdb/common/common-utils.h:50: regression: xvasprintf: Do not use xvasprintf(), instead use xstrvprintf
gdb/common/common-utils.h:50:void xvasprintf (char **ret, const char *format, va_list ap)
< gdb/common/gdb_assert.h:46: regression: __func__: Do not use __func__, ISO C 90 does not support this macro
gdb/common/gdb_assert.h:46:#define ASSERT_FUNCTION		__func__
< gdb/common/vec.c:39: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.c:39:static inline unsigned
< gdb/common/vec.h:419: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:419:#define DEF_VEC_I(T)							  static inline void VEC_OP (T,must_be_integral_type) (void)		  {									    (void)~(T)0;								  }									  									  VEC_T(T);								  DEF_VEC_FUNC_P(T)							  DEF_VEC_ALLOC_FUNC_I(T)							  struct vec_swallow_trailing_semi
< gdb/common/vec.h:431: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:431:#define DEF_VEC_P(T)							  static inline void VEC_OP (T,must_be_pointer_type) (void)		  {									    (void)((T)1 == (void *)1);						  }									  									  VEC_T(T);								  DEF_VEC_FUNC_P(T)							  DEF_VEC_ALLOC_FUNC_P(T)							  struct vec_swallow_trailing_semi
< gdb/common/vec.h:520: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:520:#define DEF_VEC_ALLOC_FUNC_I(T)						  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,alloc)					       (int alloc_)							  {									     	    return (VEC(T) *) vec_o_reserve (NULL, -alloc_,			                                     offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T));	  }									  									  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,copy) (VEC(T) *vec_)			  {									    size_t len_ = vec_ ? vec_->num : 0;					    VEC (T) *new_vec_ = NULL;						  									    if (len_)								      {									         	        new_vec_ = (VEC (T) *)						  	vec_o_reserve (NULL, -len_, offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T));	  									        new_vec_->num = len_;						        memcpy (new_vec_->vec, vec_->vec, sizeof (T) * len_);		      }									    return new_vec_;							  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,free)					       (VEC(T) **vec_)							  {									    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,cleanup)					       (void *arg_)							  {									    VEC(T) **vec_ = arg_;							    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,reserve)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    int extend = !VEC_OP (T,space)					  	(*vec_, alloc_ < 0 ? -alloc_ : alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);		  									    if (extend)								      *vec_ = (VEC(T) *) vec_o_reserve (*vec_, alloc_,			  				      offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T)); 									    return extend;							  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,safe_grow)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int size_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (size_ >= 0 && VEC_OP(T,length) (*vec_) <= (unsigned)size_,  	');							    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, (int)(*vec_ ? (*vec_)->num : 0) - size_	  			VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				    (*vec_)->num = size_;							  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_push)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, const T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_push) (*vec_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);		  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_insert)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, unsigned ix_, const T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_insert) (*vec_, ix_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);	  }
< gdb/common/vec.h:703: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:703:#define DEF_VEC_FUNC_P(T)						  static inline unsigned VEC_OP (T,length) (const VEC(T) *vec_)		  {									    return vec_ ? vec_->num : 0;						  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,last)						  	(const VEC(T) *vec_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (vec_ && vec_->num, ');				  									    return vec_->vec[vec_->num - 1];					  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,index)					       (const VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    vec_assert (vec_ && ix_ < vec_->num, ');			  									    return vec_->vec[ix_];						  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,iterate)					       (const VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, T *ptr)				  {									    if (vec_ && ix_ < vec_->num)						      {									        *ptr = vec_->vec[ix_];						        return 1;								      }									    else									      {									        *ptr = 0;								        return 0;								      }									  }									  									  static inline size_t VEC_OP (T,embedded_size)				       (int alloc_)							  {									    return offsetof (VEC(T),vec) + alloc_ * sizeof(T);			  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,embedded_init)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, int alloc_)						  {									    vec_->num = 0;							    vec_->alloc = alloc_;							  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,space)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, int alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (alloc_ >= 0, ');					    return vec_ ? vec_->alloc - vec_->num >= (unsigned)alloc_ : !alloc_;	  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,quick_push)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (vec_->num < vec_->alloc, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[vec_->num++];					    *slot_ = obj_;							  									    return slot_;								  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,pop) (VEC(T) *vec_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									    T obj_;								  									    vec_assert (vec_->num, ');					    obj_ = vec_->vec[--vec_->num];					  									    return obj_;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,truncate)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned size_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    vec_assert (vec_ ? vec_->num >= size_ : !size_, ');		    if (vec_)								      vec_->num = size_;							  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,replace)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									    T old_obj_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');				    old_obj_ = vec_->vec[ix_];						    vec_->vec[ix_] = obj_;						  									    return old_obj_;							  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,quick_insert)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (vec_->num < vec_->alloc && ix_ <= vec_->num, ');   slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    memmove (slot_ + 1, slot_, (vec_->num++ - ix_) * sizeof (T));		    *slot_ = obj_;							  									    return slot_;								  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,ordered_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    T *slot_;								    T obj_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    obj_ = *slot_;							    memmove (slot_, slot_ + 1, (--vec_->num - ix_) * sizeof (T));		  									    return obj_;								  }									  									  static inline T VEC_OP (T,unordered_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    T *slot_;								    T obj_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    obj_ = *slot_;							    *slot_ = vec_->vec[--vec_->num];					  									    return obj_;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,block_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, unsigned len_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ + len_ <= vec_->num, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    vec_->num -= len_;							    memmove (slot_, slot_ + len_, (vec_->num - ix_) * sizeof (T));	  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,address)					       (VEC(T) *vec_)							  {									    return vec_ ? vec_->vec : 0;						  }									  									  static inline unsigned VEC_OP (T,lower_bound)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, const T obj_,					        int (*lessthan_)(const T, const T) VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									     unsigned int len_ = VEC_OP (T, length) (vec_);			     unsigned int half_, middle_;						     unsigned int first_ = 0;						     while (len_ > 0)							       {									          T middle_elem_;							          half_ = len_ >> 1;						          middle_ = first_;						          middle_ += half_;						          middle_elem_ = VEC_OP (T,index) (vec_, middle_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);          if (lessthan_ (middle_elem_, obj_))				            {								               first_ = middle_;						               ++first_;							               len_ = len_ - half_ - 1;					            }								          else								            len_ = half_;							       }									     return first_;							  }
< gdb/common/vec.h:782: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:782:#define DEF_VEC_ALLOC_FUNC_P(T)						  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,alloc)					       (int alloc_)							  {									     	    return (VEC(T) *) vec_p_reserve (NULL, -alloc_);			  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,free)					       (VEC(T) **vec_)							  {									    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,cleanup)					       (void *arg_)							  {									    VEC(T) **vec_ = arg_;							    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,copy) (VEC(T) *vec_)			  {									    size_t len_ = vec_ ? vec_->num : 0;					    VEC (T) *new_vec_ = NULL;						  									    if (len_)								      {									         	        new_vec_ = (VEC (T) *)(vec_p_reserve (NULL, -len_));		  									        new_vec_->num = len_;						        memcpy (new_vec_->vec, vec_->vec, sizeof (T) * len_);		      }									    return new_vec_;							  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,reserve)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    int extend = !VEC_OP (T,space)					  	(*vec_, alloc_ < 0 ? -alloc_ : alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);		  									    if (extend)								      *vec_ = (VEC(T) *) vec_p_reserve (*vec_, alloc_);			  									    return extend;							  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,safe_grow)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int size_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (size_ >= 0 && VEC_OP(T,length) (*vec_) <= (unsigned)size_,  	');							    VEC_OP (T,reserve)							  	(vec_, (int)(*vec_ ? (*vec_)->num : 0) - size_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);    (*vec_)->num = size_;							  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_push)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_push) (*vec_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);		  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_insert)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, unsigned ix_, T obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_insert) (*vec_, ix_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);	  }
< gdb/common/vec.h:952: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:952:#define DEF_VEC_FUNC_O(T)						  static inline unsigned VEC_OP (T,length) (const VEC(T) *vec_)		  {									    return vec_ ? vec_->num : 0;						  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,last) (VEC(T) *vec_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									    vec_assert (vec_ && vec_->num, ');				  									    return &vec_->vec[vec_->num - 1];					  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,index)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    vec_assert (vec_ && ix_ < vec_->num, ');			  									    return &vec_->vec[ix_];						  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,iterate)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, T **ptr)				  {									    if (vec_ && ix_ < vec_->num)						      {									        *ptr = &vec_->vec[ix_];						        return 1;								      }									    else									      {									        *ptr = 0;								        return 0;								      }									  }									  									  static inline size_t VEC_OP (T,embedded_size)				       (int alloc_)							  {									    return offsetof (VEC(T),vec) + alloc_ * sizeof(T);			  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,embedded_init)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, int alloc_)						  {									    vec_->num = 0;							    vec_->alloc = alloc_;							  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,space)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, int alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (alloc_ >= 0, ');					    return vec_ ? vec_->alloc - vec_->num >= (unsigned)alloc_ : !alloc_;	  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,quick_push)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, const T *obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (vec_->num < vec_->alloc, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[vec_->num++];					    if (obj_)								      *slot_ = *obj_;							  									    return slot_;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,pop) (VEC(T) *vec_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    vec_assert (vec_->num, ');					    --vec_->num;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,truncate)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned size_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    vec_assert (vec_ ? vec_->num >= size_ : !size_, ');		    if (vec_)								      vec_->num = size_;							  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,replace)					       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, const T *obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');				    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    if (obj_)								      *slot_ = *obj_;							  									    return slot_;								  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,quick_insert)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, const T *obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (vec_->num < vec_->alloc && ix_ <= vec_->num, ');   slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    memmove (slot_ + 1, slot_, (vec_->num++ - ix_) * sizeof (T));		    if (obj_)								      *slot_ = *obj_;							  									    return slot_;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,ordered_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    memmove (slot_, slot_ + 1, (--vec_->num - ix_) * sizeof (T));		  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,unordered_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    vec_assert (ix_ < vec_->num, ');			    vec_->vec[ix_] = vec_->vec[--vec_->num];				  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,block_remove)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, unsigned ix_, unsigned len_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    T *slot_;								  									    vec_assert (ix_ + len_ <= vec_->num, ');			    slot_ = &vec_->vec[ix_];						    vec_->num -= len_;							    memmove (slot_, slot_ + len_, (vec_->num - ix_) * sizeof (T));	  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,address)					       (VEC(T) *vec_)							  {									    return vec_ ? vec_->vec : 0;						  }									  									  static inline unsigned VEC_OP (T,lower_bound)				       (VEC(T) *vec_, const T *obj_,					        int (*lessthan_)(const T *, const T *) VEC_ASSERT_DECL)		  {									     unsigned int len_ = VEC_OP (T, length) (vec_);			     unsigned int half_, middle_;						     unsigned int first_ = 0;						     while (len_ > 0)							       {									          T *middle_elem_;						          half_ = len_ >> 1;						          middle_ = first_;						          middle_ += half_;						          middle_elem_ = VEC_OP (T,index) (vec_, middle_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);          if (lessthan_ (middle_elem_, obj_))				            {								               first_ = middle_;						               ++first_;							               len_ = len_ - half_ - 1;					            }								          else								            len_ = half_;							       }									     return first_;							  }
< gdb/common/vec.h:1034: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/common/vec.h:1034:#define DEF_VEC_ALLOC_FUNC_O(T)						  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,alloc)					       (int alloc_)							  {									     	    return (VEC(T) *) vec_o_reserve (NULL, -alloc_,			                                     offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T));	  }									  									  static inline VEC(T) *VEC_OP (T,copy) (VEC(T) *vec_)			  {									    size_t len_ = vec_ ? vec_->num : 0;					    VEC (T) *new_vec_ = NULL;						  									    if (len_)								      {									         	        new_vec_ = (VEC (T) *)						  	vec_o_reserve  (NULL, -len_, offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T));  									        new_vec_->num = len_;						        memcpy (new_vec_->vec, vec_->vec, sizeof (T) * len_);		      }									    return new_vec_;							  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,free)					       (VEC(T) **vec_)							  {									    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,cleanup)					       (void *arg_)							  {									    VEC(T) **vec_ = arg_;							    if (*vec_)								      vec_free_ (*vec_);							    *vec_ = NULL;								  }									  									  static inline int VEC_OP (T,reserve)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int alloc_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    int extend = !VEC_OP (T,space) (*vec_, alloc_ < 0 ? -alloc_ : alloc_	  				  VEC_ASSERT_PASS);			  									    if (extend)								      *vec_ = (VEC(T) *)							  	vec_o_reserve (*vec_, alloc_, offsetof (VEC(T),vec), sizeof (T)); 									    return extend;							  }									  									  static inline void VEC_OP (T,safe_grow)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, int size_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)				  {									    vec_assert (size_ >= 0 && VEC_OP(T,length) (*vec_) <= (unsigned)size_,  	');							    VEC_OP (T,reserve)							  	(vec_, (int)(*vec_ ? (*vec_)->num : 0) - size_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);    (*vec_)->num = size_;							  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_push)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, const T *obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)			  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_push) (*vec_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);		  }									  									  static inline T *VEC_OP (T,safe_insert)					       (VEC(T) **vec_, unsigned ix_, const T *obj_ VEC_ASSERT_DECL)	  {									    VEC_OP (T,reserve) (vec_, 1 VEC_ASSERT_PASS);				  									    return VEC_OP (T,quick_insert) (*vec_, ix_, obj_ VEC_ASSERT_PASS);	  }
< gdb/dwarf2expr.h:300: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/dwarf2expr.h:300:static inline const gdb_byte *
< gdb/dwarf2expr.h:311: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/dwarf2expr.h:311:static inline const gdb_byte *
< gdb/dwarf2expr.h:322: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/dwarf2expr.h:322:static inline const gdb_byte *
< gdb/dwarf2read.c:3617: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/dwarf2read.c:3617:static inline int
> gdb/gdb_stat.h:23: regression: stat.h: Do not include stat.h or sys/stat.h, instead include gdb_stat.h
gdb/gdb_stat.h:23:#include <sys/stat.h>
> gdb/gdb_wait.h:23: regression: wait.h: Do not include wait.h or sys/wait.h, instead include gdb_wait.h
gdb/gdb_wait.h:23:#include <sys/wait.h>  
> gdb/gdb_wait.h:26: regression: wait.h: Do not include wait.h or sys/wait.h, instead include gdb_wait.h
gdb/gdb_wait.h:26:#include <wait.h>  
> gdb/osf-share/RIOS/cma_thread_io.h:410: code: function call in first column: Function name in first column should be restricted to function implementation
gdb/osf-share/RIOS/cma_thread_io.h:410:cma__init_thread_io (void);
> gdb/osf-share/RIOS/cma_thread_io.h:429: code: function call in first column: Function name in first column should be restricted to function implementation
gdb/osf-share/RIOS/cma_thread_io.h:429:cma__is_open (int fd);
> gdb/osf-share/cma_init.h:108: code: function call in first column: Function name in first column should be restricted to function implementation
gdb/osf-share/cma_init.h:108:cma__init_static (void);	 
< gdb/record.c:243: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:243:static inline struct record_entry *
< gdb/record.c:261: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:261:static inline void
< gdb/record.c:272: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:272:static inline struct record_entry *
< gdb/record.c:289: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:289:static inline void
< gdb/record.c:300: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:300:static inline struct record_entry *
< gdb/record.c:313: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:313:static inline void
< gdb/record.c:322: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:322:static inline enum record_type
< gdb/record.c:444: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:444:static inline gdb_byte *
< gdb/record.c:702: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:702:static inline void
< gdb/record.c:2393: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:2393:static inline void
< gdb/record.c:2406: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:2406:static inline uint64_t
< gdb/record.c:2416: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:2416:static inline uint32_t
< gdb/record.c:2426: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:2426:static inline uint16_t
< gdb/record.c:2612: code: inline: Do not use the inline attribute; since the compiler generally ignores this, better algorithm selection is needed to improved performance
gdb/record.c:2612:static inline void
< gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing xasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0
< gdb/defs.h:0: internal: gdb/defs.h missing xvasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xvasprintf in file gdb/defs.h, only found 0
< gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing vasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug vasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0
< gdb/defs.h:0: internal: gdb/defs.h missing xasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xasprintf in file gdb/defs.h, only found 0
< gdb/utils.c:0: internal: gdb/utils.c missing xvasprintf: Expecting 1 occurances of bug xvasprintf in file gdb/utils.c, only found 0

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