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Re: [PATCH] Add CTF support to GDB [5] Add test for CTF function

On 01/15/2013 07:18 PM, Hui Zhu wrote:
+#Get the pathname of babeltrace and set it to $which_babeltrace.
+#If host doesn't have babeltrace, $which_babeltrace will set to 0.
+if [is_remote host] then {
+    remote_exec host "which babeltrace" "" "" "babeltrace.which"
+    remote_upload host "babeltrace.which"
+    set which_babeltrace [file_contents "babeltrace.which"]

proc file_contents is not defined.

FAIL: gdb.trace/ctf.exp: tsave -ctf ctf.ctf
ERROR: (DejaGnu) proc "file_contents babeltrace.which" does not exist.
The error code is NONE
The info on the error is:
invalid command name "file_contents"
    while executing
"::tcl_unknown file_contents babeltrace.which"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 ::tcl_unknown $args"

You can run this test case in a remote-host setting in this way,

$ make check RUNTESTFLAGS='--target_board=native-gdbserver --host_board=local-remote-host ctf.exp'

+    remote_file build delete "babeltrace.which"
+    remote_file host delete "babeltrace.which"
+} else {
+    set which_babeltrace [which babeltrace]
+if { $which_babeltrace == 0 } then {
+    unsupported "babeltrace check ctf directory"
+} else {
+    #Let babeltrace output an error to make sure current way is right.
+    if [is_remote host] then {
+	remote_exec host "$which_babeltrace not_exist < /dev/null" "" "" "babeltrace.output"
+	remote_upload host "babeltrace.output"
+	set babeltrace_output [file_contents "babeltrace.output"]
+	remote_file build delete "babeltrace.output"
+	remote_file host delete "babeltrace.output"
+    } else {
+	catch "exec $which_babeltrace not_exist < /dev/null" babeltrace_output
+    }
+    if { [string last "\[error\]" $babeltrace_output] == -1 } then {
+	unsupported "babeltrace check ctf directory"
+    } else {
+	if [is_remote host] then {
+	    remote_exec host "$which_babeltrace $ctfdir < /dev/null" "" "" "babeltrace.output"
+	    remote_upload host "babeltrace.output"
+	    set babeltrace_output [file_contents "babeltrace.output"]
+	    remote_file build delete "babeltrace.output"
+	    remote_file host delete "babeltrace.output"
+	} else {
+	    catch "exec $which_babeltrace $ctfdir < /dev/null" babeltrace_output
+	}
+	if { [string last "\[error\]" $babeltrace_output] != -1 } then {
+	    fail "babeltrace open ctf directory"
+	}
+    }

These code looks overkill to me. What we want to do here is to run babeltrace on host. Maybe we can do something simpler,

remote_exec host "babeltrace $ctfdir < /dev/null" "" "" "output"
remote_upload host "output"
# Then check the content in file "output" to see 1) babeltrace exists, 2) the result of execution.

+#Test "target ctf"
+gdb_test_no_output "set confirm off"
+gdb_test_no_output "kill"
+gdb_test_multiple "target ctf $ctfdir" "" {
+    -re "Undefined target command: \"ctf ctf\.ctf\"\.  Try \"help target\"\." {
+	unsupported "target does not support ctf"
+	remote_exec host "rm -rf $ctfdir"
+	return -1;
+    }
+    -re ".*fail.*" {
+	fail "target ctf $ctfdir"
+    }
+    -re "^$" {
+        pass "target ctf $ctfdir"
+    }

Please add ".*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" at the end of each pattern to be matched to avoid racing.

Yao (éå)

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